
Mercy's Blessing - Proof of Concept

Proof-of-concept Workshop which demonstrates a replacement for Mercy's Resurrect ability: Blessing.

Mercy grants one ally a Blessing which lasts for a limited time. If a player dies while Blessed, the player will be brought back to life.


Setting Name Description Default Value
Mercy Blessing Cooldown How long Mercy must wait between casts of Blessing. 20 seconds
Mercy Blessing Duration The maximum duration of a Blessing. 5 seconds
Mercy Blessing Range How close an ally must be for Blessing to be applied. 30 meters
Mercy Blessing Sensitivity The maximum permitted angle between Mercy's facing direction and the ally for casting. 50 degrees
Mercy Blessing Returns Target to Caster When enabled, Blessed targets are returned to Mercy when the target dies. On
Mercy Blessing Protects Against Environmental Deaths When enabled, Blessed targets are returned to life even if the target died to the environment. If this setting is On, environmental deaths are returned to Mercy, even if Mercy Blessing Returns Target to Caster is Off. On

Why make this?

Mostly out of the mindset of "if I can, why not?" Hopefully by exploring alternatives to Resurrect (which aren't just a complete removal of the ability to return an ally to life) the frustrating aspects of Resurrect can be identified by comparison; or in other words, by looking at two different versions of Resurrect, it will be easier to understand what parts of Resurrect are pretty okay, and which parts cause the irritation.

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