
CasinoWatch by Axcet#1922

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At the start of the game, everyone rolls a 50-sided dice (not really, you just kinda get assigned a random number). Based on that roll, you can get Good, Neutral, or Bad effects. After the effect wears off, you get another random effect. Here is the list:

Bad Effects

  1. Bankruptcy: The Worst Effect, you get Hacked, Slowed, you also deal less damage and receive more damage. This effect lasts 10-15 seconds.

2-3. Hacked: You get hacked. This effects lasts 1-5 seconds.

4-5. Knocked Down: You get knocked down. This effects lasts 1-5 seconds.

6-7. Asleep: You get slept. This effects lasts 6 seconds.

8-9. Stunned: You get stunned. This effects lasts 1-5 seconds.

10-11. Rooted: You get rooted. This effects lasts 1-5 seconds.

12-13. Slowness: You move at 50% max speed. This effects lasts 1-5 seconds.

14-15. Weak Weaponry: You deal 50% less damage. This effects lasts 1-5 seconds.

16-17. Unfortified: You take 200% more damage. This effects lasts 1-5 seconds.

18-19. Unhealthy: You have half your max health. This effects lasts 1-5 seconds.

Neutral Effects

20-21. Teleport: You randomly teleport to one of three spots on the map you're on. (This feature only works on Castillo, Black Forest, Workshop Chamber, and Havana)

22-23. High Damage, No Primary: Self-explanatory, but you deal 3x damage, but you're primary is disabled. This effects lasts 1-10 seconds.

24-25. High Health, No Abilities: Self-explanatory, but you gain 3x Max Health, but you're unable to use abilities. This effects lasts 1-10 seconds.

26-27. Wraith Form: You get the "phased out" status effect, and you cannot shoot or use abilities. You can however Melee. This effects lasts 1-10 seconds.

28-29. Free Ultimate: You get your ultimate, however you instantly use it.

Good Effects

30-31. Passive Heal: For the next 1-10 seconds, you restore 1/4 of your health back to your hero every second. This effects lasts 1-10 seconds.

32-33. Damage Boost: You deal 150% more damage. This effects lasts 1-10 seconds.

34-35 Unkillable: You can take damage, but you won't die. This effects lasts 1-10 seconds.

36-37: Invisible: You go invisible. This effects lasts 1-10 seconds.

38-39: Speed Boost: You move at 150% speed. This effects lasts 1-10 seconds.

40-41: Fortify: You take 50% less damage. This effects lasts 1-10 seconds.

42-43: Healthy: You gain 200% max Health. This effects lasts 1-10 seconds.

44-45: Free Ultimate: You gain your ultimate.

46-47: Health Pack: You instantly restore 250 health.

48-49: Low gravity: You gain 20% gravity. This effects lasts 1-10 seconds.

  1. Jackpot!: You move at 130% speed, you deal 200% damage, you take 25% damage, you heal to full health, and get your ultimate. You also get set on fire, however this is just a visual effect. This effects lasts 10-15 seconds.

Some of these effects are kinda broken, like invisibility, but it's fun to play, and also fun to test your luck.

I would keep the player count below 10 to reduce server issues, but if you're feeling chaotic, go for the 12-man fiesta.

also, if anyone is wondering why the Jack-Pot and Bankruptcy only have 1 number, or why all the other effects have 2, it's because I wanted to reduce the change of a player getting Jackpot or Bankruptcy too many times.

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