Damage Calculator ver 1.0
This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.
The mode which can check the buff damage amount
Bot of the buff role - Baptiste(ULT), Mercy(RMB), Ana(ULT), Orisa(ULT), Zenyatta(Discord Orb)
[How to Use]
- When a [Interact] is pressed for a bot of the buff role, effective invalidity is switched over.
- When a [Interact] is pressed for doomfist, a buff is begun.
バフ役のボット - バティスト(ULT)、マーシー(右クリック)、アナ(ULT)、オリーサ(ULT)、ゼニヤッタ(不和のオーブ)
1. バフ役に向けてインタラクトを押すと、有効無効が切り替わる
2. ドゥームフィストに向けてインタラクトを押すと、バフが開始される
Practice Mode
Horizon Lunar Colony
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