Chaoswatch OG
chaoswatch is a chaotic mode where you'll be battling against the order or chaos side, with many different functions and extra secret things ( /^ω^)/♪♪, make sure to first rename team 1 fo the order side and team 2 to rhe chaos side.
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-auras for chaos and order side
-when using ultimate hud dissapears
-hold the ultimate button for third front person view for a short time
-bars and mechanics
hero: dps
sombra: reduce tbe hacked enemy's ult charge with yours (enemy ult charge - yours)
venture: when using ultimate and damaging make the enemy stunned
torbjörn: when using ultimate add armor health to your allies
symmetra: when using ultimate add extra health to your allies
junkrat: is diminute and high pitched voice
meihas an indicator when damaging or healing, primary fire can now heal and clear status burning
pharah is invisible except when using ultimate
soldier 76 everytime uses biotic field loses hp but increases dmg
bastion has a gasoline bar, if its on 0 you can use certain abilities, lose 0.5 on alternate form while walking, gain 2 when earning elimination, players can ride you like a car and your sped increases when someone is riding you, however ghey can't use abilities and only fire
reapercan no clip using wraith form
tracerwhen using ultimate can make slow motion level 1
widowmakerwhen using ultimate shows rhe icons of every enemy hero
dva in baby mode press interact to protect you for 10 seconds
hazard ult damage can solo a team except foe the enmy tank
junker queen a lot of speed
orisa when ready for ultimate, press the ult button to teleport all enemies to you
Winston press meele to use a banana that can knock down enemies
roadhog in chaos side it'll only receive headshot
Reinhardt wtih ana on the team and using ult, kf the ult damaged any enemies the enemies will see a funny message
ramattra with mercy on the team and if both are using ultimates, both gain damage bonus and ramattra's hits can do random negative effects on enemies
zaryanormal fire can burn enemies
sigma projectiles have no gravity and can be mines
mercy when using Valkyrie, gain more damage, if using caelus staff and using damage amplifier shoot projectiles that can damage enemies, if dead and has ultimate, press it to revive you and all nearby teammates
Moira when moira is on the team the enemies aquire a fear bar, when moira damages the enemy, the victim's fear bar kncreases, when on 100 the victim has reduced healing, damage, speed, and increased damage received, moira aquires increased damage and healing, to reach zero you have to die
lifeweaver shoot thorns to make extra damage and if received damage of melee, it heals you and damages the attacker
zenyatta in order side can only receive headshot, using ult teleports players that aren't on the objective to you, ehen using discord orb you can apply crowd control to an enemy, if the enemy has crowd control it can damage their teammates, crowd control ends when you or the victim dies
Brigitte when using rally you have low pitched voice and a giant shield
illari when using ultimate burn enemies and increases your damage and healing
juno torpedo no cool down
kiriko when using kitsune rush apply unkillable for 10 sec and purify all debuffs
--more coming soon
future heroes
hanzo, genji, cassidy, juno upgrade, mauga
actual meta 1.9
sombra, zarya, lucio, hazard, roadhog, zenyatta, ramattra, mercy and torbjörn