
Big Bad Boss Series: Brotherhood Full PvE Boss Fight!

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Big Bad Boss Series: Brotherhood

Twin Bosses: Genji and Hanzo
Adds: Bastion, Mercy, Hammond
Phase 1: Polarity Switch (technical dps phase)
Phase 2: Role Specific Task
Switching between the 2 phases constantly. You can reduce time of Phase 2 by finishing tasks earlier.
This fight is made for 6 players! Gather up and have fun!
Normal: WWW3Y
Heroic: WCJGJ (needs testing)
Mythic: no codes yet

Note: Hi guys! I tried to make this boss fight challenging. Normal mode is just to get people used to the mechanics. If you want real challenge go for Heroic or even the Mythic difficulty!!

I ask everyone, who can play with friends in group of 6, and likes the good ol' dungeon feeling of MMORPGS, please enjoy! If you make a video of it for youtube or streaming it, please write to me at [email protected] and I will check it out. Thank you. LazaC

Genji Health: 20.000
Hanzo Health: 20.000
The Health of the Bosses are linked. It will reach 0 at the same time.
Genji Ultimate Charging: 80%
Hanzo Ultimate Charging: 50%
Boss damage received: 100%
Boss damage done: 100%
Boss CD: 0% (but they won't spam it)
Player damage done: 20%
Player healing dealt: 150%
Player health: 500% (tanks: 400%)
Player Hero modifications, check them out!

PHASE 1 - Polarity Switch
-This phase is always 45 seconds long.
-Each player will have a polarity assigned to them, yellow or purple.
-You can see your polarity in the top-left corner of your screen.
-Polarity CAN change in every 20 seconds, sometimes you get the same, pay attention! You get a warning 3 seconds before switching or you can see the timer on the wall between the Yellow and Purple sides.
--Yellow polarity players take 30 damage each 0.8 second if they are outside of the Yellow side's Orb. (This damage gives ultimate charge to the Yellow Boss)
--Yellow polarity players can damage only the Yellow Boss (Hanzo)! Damaging the Purple Boss (Genji) will heal him 3 times the damage you do.
--Purple polarity players take 30 damage each 0.8 second if they are outside of the Purple side's Orb. (This damage gives ultimate charge to the Purple Boss)
--Purple polarity players can damage only the Purple Boss (Genji)! Damaging the Yellow Boss (Hanzo) will heal him 3 times the damage you do.

Boss base abilities
-Auto attack
Storm Arrow with 8 arrows and then a slowly charged aimed shot.
-Leap of Faith
The Boss teleports up in the air every 10 seconds, making hitting him a little bit harder.
-Unleash the Dragons
Upon reaching ultimate Hanzo will immediately ult.
-Auto Attack
Primary Fire x2 and Secondary Fire x4 in a cycle.
-Deflect Their Anger
Use deflect. Deflect cooldown: 300%
-Swift Dragon
Upon reaching ultimate Genji will immediately ult. Teleporting behind a random player and slicing them from behind. Ultimate Duration is 50%, which usually means 3 slices.

PHASE 2 - Roles Rule
-After 45 seconds, both Bosses become invulnerable to damage and frozen for 30 seconds. While they are in this state, players have to complete role specific tasks.
This phase is maximum 30 seconds long, but can be cut shorter when all roles finished their tasks.
-Each player gets teleported out to one of the outside bubbles labeled: TANK / SUPPORT / DPS. Any player outside of these bubbles will take 50 damage / second and getting hacked.
Tanks have the task to face a Bastion. They have to protect their team, as the Bastion selects targets randomly. Shielding, body blocking or crowd controlling the Bastion. They also have to damage it as much as they can. The Bastion MUST die before the 30 second mark for this phase, or else ALL TANK players will lose 10% of their Maximum Health capacity.
Supports have the task to heal out the Wrecking ball that appears in their bubble. After that support players can help with the other roles' tasks. The Hammond MUST have to be healed to 100% Health before the 30 second mark for this phase, or else ALL SUPPORT players will lose 10% Healing Power for the remainder of the fight.
Damage characters have the task to kill 2 Mercys who are healing each other. Killing these winged beasts require focused targeting or some trickery with CDs and cc. Damage characters should also help killing the Bastion on the tank side after finishing killing both of the Mercys. The 2 Mercy MUST die before the 30 second mark for this phase, or else ALL DAMAGE characters will lose 5% of their Damage Done for each Mercy left alive.
If you finish all 3 tasks or the Phase time (30 second) is over, Phase 1 will begin by unfreezing the bosses and giving out a polarity, teleporting players back to the main bubble.

Genji Health: 23.000
Hanzo Health: 23.000
Genji Ultimate Charging: 80%
Hanzo Ultimate Charging: 70%
Boss damage done: 150%
Player damage done: 25%
Player healing dealt: 200%
Player health: 500% (tanks: 400%)

--Polarity Switch in every 15 seconds
--Polarity damage is 50
--Hanzo Leap of Faith is in every 7 seconds
--Genji Deflect CD is 200% only
--Genji ultimate duration is 100%!

Roles Rule
--Bastion deals 120% damage
--Hammond needs to be healed more
--Mercy healing dealt is 110%

Mythic info will come at a later date.

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