
Aim Arena FFA by Beemoo#1800

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Aim Arena FFA

Practice heroes in a wide open arena against other players.


  • Press INTERACT (Default: F) to swap hero.
  • Players heal after a kill.
  • Players cannot hide in pillars.
  • Damage per minute stat

Mode Configuration


  • Max number of players: [Lobby] > [Max FFA Players]

  • Enable/Disable heroes: [Heroes] > [Hero Roster]

  • Random hero: [Modes] > [ALL] > [Respawn as Random Hero]

  • Hero limit for every hero: [Modes] > [ALL] > [Hero Limit] > [1 OR 2 Per Game]

  • Match time: [Workshop] > [MATCH TIME] (default: 3600 sec = 60 min)

  • Hero limit for specific hero: [Workshop] > [HERO LIMITS]

    1. Reaper
    2. Tracer
    3. Mercy
    4. Hanzo
    5. Torbjorn
    6. Reinhardt (Default: 1)
    7. Pharah
    8. Winston
    9. Widowmaker
    10. Bastion
    11. Symmetra
    12. Zenyatta
    13. Genji (Default: 2)
    14. Roadhog (Default: 2)
    15. McCree
    16. Junkrat (Default: 1)
    17. Zarya
    18. Soldier
    19. Lucio
    20. Dva
    21. Mei
    22. Sombra
    23. Doomfist (Default: 1)
    24. Ana
    25. Orisa
    26. Brigitte
    27. Moira (Default: 2)
    28. Wrecking Ball (Default: 1)
    29. Ashe
    30. Baptiste

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