
Overwatch Role Swap by SneakyScarab#11405

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In an alternate universe, every character has a new role to fill on the team


Bastion -> Become the ultimate immovable object as a stalwart armoured turret. Hold Right Click to slowly gain speed while in Sentry Mode, or hold it while going from Recon to Sentry to rollout like a true transformer! Use your tank mode to shock your enemies off their feet!

Doomfist -> The best defence is truly a good offence. Disrupt and displace the enemy team, and gain bonus damage reduction the more you hit the enemies!

Genji -> A true duelist, get your enemies attention with Challenge Accepted (Shift), locking eyes and forcing them to duel with you. Deflect their bullets before cutting them down! Use your ultimate to capture the attention of all the enemies nearby, and let your teammates run them down while they can't shoot back!

*Mei -> *Living in the antarctic makes you pretty durable. It helps when your gun shoots icicles that can freeze up people's legs, and you can hide in a huge icicle that gives off a freezing aura.

Pharah -> Pharah is equipped with new heavy armour, which makes it hard to gain height in the air. She becomes even more durable while off the ground, and her ultimate shoots out an impassable wall of deadly rockets.

Reaper -> Reaper has become extra vampiric with more HP and lifesteal, he can put foes to sleep by Wraith walking through them, and can use a Defending Vortex (E) to damage nearby enemies and gain a boost to damage reduction.

Symmetra -> In addition to your turrets, you can project a Safety Sphere (E) to protect allies, reducing damage taken inside the sphere by 50%

Brigitte -> Brigitte will be your shield. Defend your teammates with your high HP, and give an ally a repair pack to give them damage resistance for a brief time.


*D.Va -> *Play as a boosted Pilot D.Va with a dash (hold shift) and phase (E) abilities! Use your ultimate to summon a temporary super-powered Meka!

*Orisa -> *Less HP but higher damage output, use your Go Go Go ability (E) to enter a rushing state for 10 seconds. Smash into someone while charging to knock them down!

Reinhardt -> Lower HP but a fast runner! Use Power-Up (right click) to pose for a few seconds before unleashing your true strength and speed on your enemies!

Sigma -> Who needs shields? This Sigma turns his absorbed projectiles into a % Damage boost, and sends out a persistent cloud of damaging mist with his right click!

Winston -> Has lower HP, but Winston is still a dive king with his Damage Dome (E) dealing high burst damage to nearby enemies!

*Wrecking Ball -> *No adaptive shields or 600 hp, this hamster instead deals massive DoT damage around him with his Corrupted Zone (E) ability. It's less effective on a crowd, so watch your positioning!

Zarya -> Zarya has given up on defence, and now uses her barriers for pure offense! Put a barrier on yourself with Protecting Sphere (Shift) to defend, and then blow it up to damage people around you with Barrier Burst (E)! Has a fun side-effect of super-charging your energy percentage!

*Hanzo -> *Hanzo forgot his bow, and now has to throw his arrows at people from point blank range. His lunge is much quicker without the bow weighing him down. He can also Deliver Defeat (Shift) to an unsuspecting opponent in melee range, stunning them before lodging an arrow right in their head.

*Junkrat -> *Junkrat decided that blowing people up is more fun if you blow yourself up too. His grenades fall right at his own feet, and he always detonates his mines right when he throws them. Taking all those explosions has beefed his HP up a bit, so he can use even stronger bombs.

*Ana -> *Ana left her team behind to become a solo sniper, shooting the enemies, sleeping targets, and throwing Burnt Danger (E) grenades that light enemies hit on fire! Use your Nano boost on yourself instead to become even stronger!

*Baptiste -> *Baptiste has lots of AoE damage, from small blasts when he takes off and lands with exoboots, to his Degenerative burst that puts a damage over time on nearby enemies, and his Danger Zone (E) that deals damage to enemies in it's radius until they hit 20% health.

*Lucio -> *Swap between a choice of a personal speed boost or a personal damage boost to really break down your opponents. Drop the beat with your ultimate to apply a heavy DoT to nearby enemies, with bonus damage the closer you get to landing it on their head.

*Mercy -> *Mercy has become the Angel of Death, with increased blaster damage, the ability to fly towards and chase down her Next Target (shift) and channel a powerful spell to instantly Eliminate (E) an enemy who stays too close to her. When in Valkyrie, Eliminate's cooldown is drastically lowered, so go nuts!

*Moira -> *Moira's left hand now sprays out napalm, setting enemies hit on fire for a few seconds. She also replaced the healing in Coalescence with the same burning effect.

*Zenyatta -> *This Zenyatta moves just a bit quicker, and can use his Surviving Sphere (Shift) to give himself a temporary damage reduction. Use your ultimate to show the enemies the radiant flames of the Iris, burning enemies in range for incredible damage!


*Roadhog -> *A thick-bodied healer with lots of AoE! Use your hook to grapple around and heal your friends with your biotic bullets! Taking a breather with your pals can help out too!

*Ashe -> *Help out your team with the heals from your Rifle and Coach Gun, and displace enemies with her Bouncy Bomb, a dynamite replacement that explodes on hitting the floor and launches enemies hit into the air!

*McCree -> *His Peacemaker is less potent, but his inspiring presence heals nearby allies whenever he lands a shot. His Deadeye is famous for bringing the dead to life if charged long enough, and can heal your still-living allies a ton at the same time!

*Soldier 76 -> *Soldier 76 brought extra biotic fields so he can deploy them more often. His ultimate Medical Visor heals up any allies he can see during its duration.

*Sombra -> *Sombra can stealthily heal allies with her passive aura, even while invisible. Her ultimate gives a powerful Heal over time to allies in it's range.

*Torbjorn -> *Hammer your allies back to health, and use your turret to block healing on the enemy it's targeting. His lava applies anti-heal too!

*Tracer -> *Shoot your allies with your time guns to rewind their damage! Pulse Bomb can even rewind a dead ally back to life!

*Widowmaker -> *Widow took a page from Ana's playbook and snipes her allies for healing. She can charge up her shots for more heals, or switch to automatic fire to quickly heal a group of teammates.

Full details and patch notes can be found at

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