
1 Ability Mirrored Deathmatch by GingerCookie#21981

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Some character do have more than 1 ability however these are manuever abilities and have slow cooldowns so should be used cleverly. Doomfist does have his ultimate however I play this as it cannot be used to kill people and only used to escape a rocket punch. Reinhardt's charge has a very fast cooldown so be careful in constantly charging into enemies. Finally all characters with Secondary fire enabled have lower ammo amounts so cant fire as many shots.

Characters Enabled

Ana - Biotic Grenade Only

Ashe - Coach Gun Only

Brigitte - Shield and Whip Shot Only

Doomfist - Rocket Punch only and Ultimate

Genji - Swift Strike Only

Junkrat - Concussion Mines Only

Mei - Secondary Fire Only

Mccree - Roll and Flashbang Only

Orisa - Halt and Fortify Only

Reinhardt - Charge Only

Sigma - Accresion Only

Soldier:76 - Sprint and Helix Rockets Only

Symmetra - Secondary Fire Only

Torbjörn - Forge Hammer Only

Tracer - Blinks and Ultimate Only

Widowmaker - Headshots Only

Zarya - Secondary Fire Only

Zenyatta - Secondary Fire Only

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