
Genji Dash Trainer by Provoxin#1418

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.


Practice your dashes! Add 2 bots to Red Team, the smaller the hitbox the harder the game is! First dash at the middle target, then to the one with a skull over it as fast as you can. Everything else is automated!


  • Adjustable difficulty shown in top left. Based on time you have to aim between dashes. (Press Forward and Backward keys to change)
  • Shows Successes / Failures and success rate percentage in the top right
  • Shows time taken to aim on last successful attempt in top left ('Success Time')
  • Target bot is invincible until the center bot is killed

Bonus Features

  • Press Interact to toggle over-the-shoulder 3rd person
  • Press Ultimate to feel like Necros ;) (toggle)

Please send any suggestions, questions, bug reports, etc to Provoxin#5368 on Discord.

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