
Slow-Motion Trainer

This is the best trainer for professional or high-end players who take the game seriously and want a competitive edge. To start with, this is normal Overwatch in terms of hero abilities, etc. Nothing is changed except that related to the passage of time, and even then, only in a clean and even manner with no gimmicks or hero-specific tweaks of any kind. Oh, except that by default, it's 6v6 to fit more players and keep the action up. (You can change that). The goal is to make you a better Overwatch player so we stay true to the game, except:

  • During the main match, game runs at half-speed to allow players to train better aiming and movement.
  • To compensate for the slowness, all players move 2x faster whenever enemies are not in a line-of-sight with them.
  • Hero selection time and setup time are shorter than normal. The game moves at normal speed during these times, and heroes move normally also.
  • Respawn times are quite short.
  • Additionally, when in Skirmish mode, players teleport closer to where their teammates have been whenever exiting spawn, except for at the beginning at the game. Skirmish mode is the most fun for continuous practice because it keeps you in the battle non-stop, but there are no points or goals of any sort. For a real game, you can turn off skirmish. Such games are extremely intense.

It is recommended that you add 5-7 bots on the "Aimbot" difficulty level, and make sure each team has one healer, and one tank at least. This allows the mode to be fun even for a single player, who likely wants to play DPS or a second healer.

This works in all modes and most maps, though if you want to add bots (recommended), you should avoid some maps that have poor bot pathnoding at the moment. Some modes and maps are disabled by default because of their poor or non-existent support for bots, but you can re-enable those modes and maps for matches with only human players in them.

The main point of this custom mode is to allow players to train their brains to see animations better and to make better predictions. It's best not to go straight to a real match after training in the slow-motion trainer for hours. Take a break, go to sleep, and when you're ready to play at full-speed again, you will have improved skills and an ability to react to things you couldn't even process before.

One fun feature of this mode is that for non-skirmish matches, it plays the POTG at the end at full speed, making for some insane scenes.

You can play this mode seriously as a game instead of just practice. Turn off skirmish for this purpose. Alternatively, you can turn on other, less canonical modes modes that are disabled by default, such as Capture the Flag or Team Deathmatch, but Blizzard does not support adding bots manually for these modes.

A note about bots: Blizzard supports two kinds of bots in general: those we can add from the lobby, which use Blizzard A.I., and those we can add programatically from Workshop code, for which--for some strange reason--we are required to write our own A.I. and pathfinding. It is for this annoying reason you must currently add your own bots from the lobby, because I have not written my own bot A.I. for Overwatch... yet.

Some gritty details about Junkenstein's Revenge, also supported by my Slow-Motion code:

Junkenstein's Revenge is supported but without bots currently due to Blizzard not supporting adding them from the lobby to this game mode past the loading screen. (Ironically, however, when loading a Junkenstein game, Blizzard requires 4 players before the game will start, so to force our way past the loading screen, we add bots programmatically using workshop code just to fill the slots and force the game to start. However, Blizzard does not support bots with Blizzard A.I. in Junkenstein's, so these bots do not remain past the loading screen. I must write my own bot A.I. eventually, which I will use in all other game modes as well so I can programmatically balance teams with bots.) However, to make up for the lack of bots, in Junkenstein's Revenge mode, players are auto-healed overtime after not taking damage for 2 seconds. You can only select between Junkenstein's Revenge game mode or other game modes, exclusively. If you switch Junkenstein's Revenge mode on, Blizzard forces you to switch off other Game Modes. Thus, Junkenstein's Revenge won't be enabled by default even during the Halloween Event. You may switch it on yourself and turn off the other modes, or see my "Slow-motion Junkenstein's Revenge" code for convenience at FPPV2.

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