
Jeffro's Juggernaut by Jeffro#2693

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

The basic premise is that you're still player FFA but the first guy to get a kill becomes the Juggernaut. The Juggernaut has increased health and movement speed and can be seen through walls and has a burning effect so people recognize him better.

If you kill the Juggernaut you get 3 points, if you get an assist on the Juggernaut you get 2 points. You still get 1 point for normal kills.
I had a lot of bugs I had to work out but I played a decent couple of games where I didn't get any more bugs so I'm very much wondering what you guys think of it.

You can reach me on @ Jeffro#2693 and Discord @ Zeffuro#3033

Some improvements were inspired by Juven's Juggernaut (Metamyst#21126 / Juven#9495 on Discord).

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