
Overwatch 6vs6

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

I'm trying to achieve close to balanced 6vs6 gamemode with all new heroes and most of changes/reworks from overwatch 2. If you have any ideas how to balance rest of heroes if they need changes just comment your ideas. (if hero is not mentioned in changes that means only his health got changed)


  • Health packs now respawn 25% slower


  • health pools has been reverted to those before health pool buffs, in case of some tanks only passive is deleted

  • zarya:
    bubbles has been changed to have separate cooldowns of 8 second on particle and projected barriers
    damage nerfed by 12% to recompensate for damage buffs she got and dissalow her to just go into enemy team and wreck them cos of lower health pools

  • road hog:
    max ammo reduced by 16.7% (1 ammo)
    chain hook cooldown increased by 33.3% (8 sec cooldown)
    While using ultimate hog can not use any ability (hook, breather, pig pen)

  • winston:
    damage on primary fire reduced by 20% (60 dps from 75 dps)

  • wrecking ball:
    damage on primary fire reduced by 25% (from 5-1.5 damage per bullet to 4-1.2 damage per bullet)
    piledriver cooldown increased by 25% (form 8 to 10 seconds)
    minefield knockback reduced by 20%

  • ramattra:
    damage in nemesis form reduced by 20% (from 65 to 52 damage)

  • orisa:
    fortify movement speed +25% (now orisa has normal movement speed while fortify), damage dealt reduced by 15% during fortify (every ability and mele)

  • mauga:
    damage on both primary fire and secondary fire reduced by 40% (from 4-1.2 damage to 2.4-0.72)
    cardiac overdrive cooldown +20% (from 12 to 15 seconds)
    overrun knockback -40%
    mauga ignite: damage -50% damage (from 15 dps to 7.5 dps), duration -50% (from 3 to 1.5 second), +50% ignite rate (from 10 bullets needed to ignite to 5 bullets)

  • doomfist:
    power block changed to weaker wersion of upper cut that deals 35 damage, boops and stuns enemie's in radius of 3 meters from doom fist (stun is 0.8 sec) ability has 8.5 sec cooldown

  • bastion:
    reconfigure cooldown decreased by 50% (from 12 sec to 6 sec), now bastion can't move while using turret form

  • sombra:
    hack cooldown +50% (from 6 to 9 sec on player and from 3 to 4.5 on non player targets)

  • symetria:
    damage on primary fire reduced by 33.3% (form 60/120/180 to 40/80/120)

  • lifeweaver:
    healing dealt increased by 25% (primary fire heals 100 instead of 80, grip heals 62.5 instead of 50)
    grip cooldown reduced by 25% (from 19 sec to 14.2 sec)

  • moira:
    primary fire damage reduced by 33.3% (40 dps instead of 60 dps)

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