
Role mixup

This gamemode SWAPS all the roles around: Tanks become DPS, DPS become Supports, and Supports become the new Tanks! I have made all the DPS (formerly Tanks) become smaller, while the Tanks (formerly Supports) became bigger to better fit their new roles. Former Supports can still heal, although for less. Most of the current Overwatch 2 passives will apply for the new roles how they currently work in game, meaning Tanks (formerly Supports) will heal for max health x 5% after not being damaged for 5 seconds. Tanks (formerly supports) also now have 25% damage reduction for critical hit damage. All the Supports (formerly DPS) can heal through primary and secondary fire for those who have it. Role lock has been added but based on what slot you are playing in. If you want to turn role lock on go into the workshop settings and find it there.

!!! All changed information about the Hero you selected will display at the top of the screen in spawn !!!

!!! Having Damage and Healing numbers on can break Hero Information!!!

!!! All Heals can be changed in the workshop settings !!!

The following is a list of changes I have made to some of the heroes:

Kiriko Suzu gives Allies 50 overhealth for 5 seconds and Kiriko a perment 50 health untill damaged.

Lifeweaver When you heal with lifegrip you make the gripped target 25% damage reduction for 3s. You cannot heal. You have Parting Gift back healing ANYONE who picks it up for 150. Tree will now damage people within the radius for 75.

Junkerqueen You cannot shoot, all cooldowns are shorter.

Zenyatta You have Harmony orb but it heals for very little, Hitting critial hits gives you 20 overhealth and getting a kill gives 100. Your Ultimate now burns people. Discord orb does 75 damage when u apply it and now has a 7s cooldown.

Ana Hitting a nade gives 40 overhealth per person you damage, Hitting a sleep increases damage delt by 75%. You can headshot

Pharah When you ult, you heal alies around for 100 a second.

Sombra When you cast EMP, you heal for 70 a second for 7 seconds around you up to 20 meters, Translocator creates a homing projectile that will heal the nearest ally for 75. You deal more damage to Hacked Targets.

Lucio Boop gives you 75 overhealth per person you boop, Beat damages eniemes around you in a 15m radius for 225 damage over 4.5 seconds (50 damage a second). You gain Damage Reduction while in Heal mode and you gain extra in amp.

Brigitte When u heal someone with repair pack, you give them 50 armor. You only have one repair pack, Hitting a whipshot gives everyone around you 30 armor health.

Mercy When you Ult, u give allies around you in a 20m radius 10 overhealth every .75 seconds but YOU MUST BE HEALING for it to work. While Guardian Angeling to someone you get healed for 45. When you Ressurect someone you grant them 50 overhealth for 3 seconds and they get healed overtime.

Illari Your healing beam has a shorter duration. Your boop gives overhealth and damage reduction if you hit anyone with it. It also burns. When your Pylons heals someone it will reduce their ability 2's cooldown by .3 seconds.

Bastion When you Ult, you heal in bursts around you in a 15m radius for 50, but you can not be killed in that form, if you fire all 3 of your shots in ult it will cancel early and you wont deal damage in ult. In turret form you heal for more then normal. Nade heals for 85 over 3 seconds.

widowmaker When you shoot a scoped shot you heal for 150 over 3s and you can only apply this to one person every 3 seconds, Unscoped heals for 10 a bullet. Venom mine heals you for 65. When you use your ultimate everyone on your team will get healed for 70 every 1.35 seconds until your ultimate has finished.

Venture You heal for 60 a shot, Does very little damage, Burrow heals Venture for 50 over 4 seconds, Drill Dash Heals allies around Venture for 75 over 4 seconds, Ult gives allies around Venture in a 15 meter radius 100 overhealth and heals for 100 a shot with ult.

Juno You gain damage Reduction while fast. While Gliding you deal more damage. Dealing Damage with Torpedos makes the target take more damage from all sources and Healing with them gives your allies overhealth and a slight speed boost. When you activate flight you get boosted upwards (This does not use your double jump for flight). You can Headshot with a 1.3x multiplier.

Hazard has been added with his release in season 14

Hazard Damage using Secondary fire will heal u for 8 a thorn. Dealing damage with wall will give u 35 overhealth per person u damage. Your dash goes further. People hit with your ultimate will get damaged for 80% of any healing they consume.

Note: All the heals in the dps catagory can be changed in the workshop editor.

All heals REQUIRE line of sight to heal them, they also do have a limited range. and get affected by the dps passive. If you are struggling to heal someone aim around the head.

We tried to balance the heals with how fast the person's gun fires. So if you think someone isnt healing enough try holding primary fire or Let me know if it just isnt enough. I have NOT tried this in a 5v5 or 6v6 so that might be where i went wrong.

This shows how to assign your roles in the gamemode for if you have role lock on.

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