
Left 4 Dead 2 - Survival (Versus)

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A gamemode very clearly inspired by Left 4 Dead 2's Survival Versus gamemode.

Some things to note:

  • This is playable without anyone on the Infected (Team 2) team. The inverse is not true.
  • If no one is on the Infected team, Special Infected will not spawn.
  • This works with bots, but only bots on the Survivor's team. You must also specify the bot's Hero to one of the four Survivors.

Your survivors must survive 10 minutes with a swarming horde of Common Infected and some Special Infected (provided there are players there)


Your selectable survivors are:

(Survivor Group 1)
Junkerqueen Odessa
Cassidy Cole
Soldier: 76 Jack
Baptiste Baptiste

(Survivor Group 2)
Ramattra Ramattra
Bastion E54
Reaper Reyes
Brigitte Brigitte

(Survivor Groups played separately.)

Buffs Debuffs
Survivors do double damage Survivors receive 50% healing
Can be downed and revived (provided the survivor doesn't fall off the map) Survivors move at 80% speed when below half health
Any sort of knockback will push away and stun all Infected aside from the Charger and Tank. If one of the affected Infected is pinning another Survivor, that Survivor will be released. Survivors move at 60% speed when below 25% health
Survivors cannot see Infected outlines (most of the time, this is really inconsistent)
Survivors cannot respawn
Each time a survivor is Downed, their time to revive increases by 0.5 sec
Survivors will die if they haven't been revived within 60 seconds

Tip: Stay together. You can watch each others' backs if needed.


Introducing your Infected Team.

Echo Common Infected (not playable)
Reinhardt Charger
Wrecking Ball Boomer
Roadhog Smoker
Doomfist Hunter
Hanzo Jockey
Torbjörn Spitter
Winston Tank

Here's what they can do!

Infected Health Abilities
All N/A All Infected can use their Melee attack, and can see the general health of a Survivor. When Death Spectating, they may spectate everyone.
Echo 100 The Common Infected moves at 150% speed, receives 75% damage, but does only 2 damage. Still, they're dangerous if you're surrounded.
Reinhardt 600 The Charger gets a 75% movement speed buff while charging. After charging towards someone, the Charger grabs the closest not-Downed Survivor within 3 meters of himself. That Survivor then takes damage eqaul to 15% of their Max HP every 1.5 seconds until the Survivor is Downed or the Charger dies.
Wrecking Ball 50 Instead of a blinding Bile, the Boomer's puke now acts as a damaging projectile that can be shot once per second. Upon death, it will explode, damaging Survivors and stunning everything (aside from Chargers) for 1.5 seconds.
Roadhog 250 After successfully hooking a Survivor, the Smoker will automatically damage its victim until the Smoker is knocked back, is killed, or their victim is Downed.
Doomfist 250 The Hunter must crouch to prepare to pounce. After successfully pouncing on someone, the Hunter will tear at their victim's flesh until the Hunter is knocked back, is killed, or their victim is Downed.
Hanzo 325 The Jockey jumps on its victim's head, tearing away at their face and influencing their movement. The Jockey will stay mounted on its victim's head until it is knocked back, killed, or their victim is Downed.
Torbjörn 100 The Spitter spits burning acid on the ground at its target's feet. It must take some time to recharge afterwards.
Winston 6000 The Tank is a big target with a BIG health bar. Unable to throw rocks this time around, but has a jetpack strapped to his back, to compensate for his reduced movement speed.

Tip: Combine your abilities. You'd be surprised what you can pull off with powers combined. Also, Survivors can't be revived if they're twenty feet below the battlefield.

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