
OverUltimates by MagicMan#12325

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

General Changes:
20% more ultimate generation

Max Respawn time is 9 seconds.

You may not change heroes while using your ultimate.

When switching heroes, you keep 2/3 of your current ult charge.

Any invincibility effect is shown by a bright green aura around the affected hero.

During "waiting for players" you spawn with your ultimate ready, and respawn time is 5 seconds. You may also hold F or Ctrl F to rotate through heroes.

New Concept: Ultimate Overcharge - Extra ult charge that will apply
whenever your ultimate is not already fully charged.

Here are all of the very specific changes, however, you do not need to read them all in order to enjoy the mode, it explains itself as you go.

Specific Ultimate Changes:

Tanks: -
- While de-meched, is a damage hero:
- Has 200 hp
- 25% more damage
- Can hold shift to sprint for +50% movespeed
- Press Ability 2 (E) for Bunny Hop
- Leaps into the facing direction like Winston
- Has a 5 second cooldown upon landing
- Deals 50 damage to those near landing site
- Press Rightclick for Rapid Fire
- Goes through the ammo clip in about half the time
- Does about 25% less damage over the course of the whole clip
- This adds to +50% dps while shooting
- When re-meching a 120 dmg explosion occurs, falling off over 15 meters

Orisa -
- During Ultimate:
- Movespeed increased by 35%
- Allies attached to your supercharger gain ult charge
- Ult charge given over full 15 seconds is 40% to each
- Ult charge is given even if their ult is already full, in the form of Ultimate Overcharge

Reinhardt -
- Slam hits everyone in a 20 meter radius regardless of barriers, walls, or contact with the ground.
- This secondary slam knocks enemies down for less time than the primary but deals the same damage.

Roadhog -
- Knockback removed
- Now pulls in targets
- This pull is inescapable, halting movement abilities

Sigma -
- During Ultimate:
- Damage increased by 50% (75 damage lift and 75% max hp on slam)
- Primary fire disabled
- During Selection:
- Enemies are slowed by 35%
- During Lift:
- Time is slowed to half speed
- You and your team have double movespeed to compensate

Winston -
- During Ultimate:
- HP cannot drop below 1
- Damage increased by 125% (90 damage hits)
- Knockback doubled
- After Ultimate:
- You heal 300 hp
- You gain 1% ult charge for every 30 damage you took during the ultimate

Hammond -
- On cast, create a 10 meter area for 8 seconds that enemies cannot leave once they enter.
- Enemies take damage for touching the edge.
- Invincibility or phasing abilities may leave.

Zarya -
- During Ultimate:
- Primary and Secondary fire are disabled
- You are invulnerable for the duration
- After Ultimate:
- After a small delay, enemies take damage depending on how many the grav affected
- If there was 1 enemy: It takes 3000 damage
- If there were 2: They each take 300 damage
- If there were 3 or more: They each take 150 damage
- If the ultimate hit no enemies or was eaten, then 33% ult charge is refunded.


Ashe -
- Duration from 10s to 12s
- During Ultimate:
- Movespeed increased by 60%
- Scoped shots fire explosive rounds, dealing 100 damage that falls off over 5 meters. (Ult charge can be earned during this)

Bastion -
- During Ultimate:
- You have 2 seconds to fire one hitscan tank round that deals 2500 damage.
- After Ultimate:
- You are switched to sentry mode and given aimbot for 10 seconds. (Aimbot does not charge ultimate)

Doomfist -
- During Ultimate:
- Visible to both teams
- Duration increased to 6 seconds
- Enemies hit take 40 extra damage
- Enemies hit are knocked down for 1.5 seconds
- After Ultimate:
- You gain a 20 hp/s heal for 10 seconds.
- Hp/s of that heal is multiplied by how many enemies were hit.

Genji -
- During Ultimate:
- Duration increased to 8.5s
- Movespeed increased by 20%
- Swiftstrike can be used every 1.1 seconds
- Swiftstrike makes you invisible

Hanzo -
- Ultimate Replaced: "You are the dragon"
- Gain 20 storm arrow shots that must be fired consecutively.
- These arrows are hitscan
- Each shot deals 100 damage
- While the shots last:
- Movespeed increased by 40%
- Max HP increased to 350
- Heal for 25 hp/s

Junkrat -
- During Ultimate:
- Tire movespeed fast for the first couple of seconds, then slightly slower for the rest of the duration
- Tire is invisible
- After Ultimate, for 8 seconds:
- Junkrat vibrates uncontrollably
- Movespeed increased by 80%
- Damage increased by 50%

McCree -
- On cast, all enemies in sight are halted for 1 second
- During Ultimate:
- Movespeed penalty completely removed
- You are invulnerable

Mei -
- On cast, for 2 seconds:
- Move 250% faster
- You are invulnerable
- During Ultimate:
- +35% bonus damage
- Initial slow on enemies from 50% to 75%
- Enemies freeze 20% faster
- You are invulnerable as long as you are inside the Blizzard

Pharah -
- During Ultimate:
- You deal 30% less damage
- If uninterrupted, you explode:
- This deals 300 damage to you
- To enemies, this deals 1000 damage falling off over 30 meters. (For reference, Dva's normal explosion is 1000 damage over 20 meters)

Reaper -
- During Ultimate:
- Movespeed penalty removed
- Deal 40 dps to enemies regardless of barriers
- This also lightly pulls them toward the center
- Heal yourself and teammates in the radius for 100 hp/s

Soldier -
- Duration increased from 6 to 8 seconds
- Helix Rockets replaced with a beam that can be used every 0.7 seconds
- This beam deals 80 damage to the target nearest visible target to your reticle
- It also pierces barriers and other defenses
- Sprint is very very fast

Sombra -
- Emp hack duration increased from 5 to 6 seconds
- This stuns for 0.85 seconds
- It also deals 100 damage to each enemy (This kills Symmetras and Zenyattas outright)

Symmetra -
- For 16 seconds after activating your ultimate:
- Move 40% faster
- Secondary fire creates stationary mines
- Mines last ~30 seconds
- They deal 120-600 damage depending on charge.

Torbjorn -
- First 12 seconds of ultimate:
- May not fire molten pellets
- Move 125% faster
- Max hp is 600
- Heal 20 hp/s
- Enemies you physically touch are heavily burned (up to 320 dps, depending on contact duration)
- After this, you are forced to place your ultimate down as usual

Tracer -
- For 7 seconds after using Pulse Bomb:
- Movespeed increased by 50%
- You have aimbot. (Aimbot does charge ultimate)

Widowmaker -
- During Ultimate:
- Move 140% faster
- You are invulnerable and invisible


Ana -
- On Cast:
- The Nanoboost target gains a free ultimate and is forced to use it if they aren't already.
- Current ultimate charge of the target is saved and restored after the nano ultimate.
- You move 50% faster while nano is active.

Baptiste -
- During Ultimate:
- You heal for 80 hp/s
- You create a 7 meter aura for allies, in this aura:
- You and allies are invisible
- Allies are healed for 30 hp/s

Brigitte -
- Self Movespeed buff increased from 30% to 50%
- During Ultimate:
- Allies in radius move at double speed
- Allies in radius are healed for 50 hp/s

Lucio -
- When you land, a secondary effect is created:
- Secondary effect lasts a minimum of 3 seconds plus 1 second per 5 meters fallen from the moment of cast.
- This effect provides invulnerability
- It also gives a 30% movespeed buff
- During the effect and for 10 seconds after, allies have affected have a 40 hp/s heal.

Mercy -
- On cast:
- Up to three of the closest dead allies are resurrected
- During Ultimate:
- Movespeed is doubled
- Damage is increased by 25%

Moira -
- Duration increased from 8 to 10 seconds
- During Ultimate:
- A separate fade cooldown is available, providing all the same effects as fade with the same cooldown duration.
- Allies healed gain a 70 hp/s heal for 3.5s (effectively increasing heal amount by 50%)
- Enemies damaged are slowed by 35%

Zenyatta -
- Allies are invulnerable while in radius
- Enemies take 50 dps while in radius
- At the end, allies in radius are given a 60 hp/s heal for 8 seconds.

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