Xokolatxo 6V6 same hero per team Copy S7NTJ Previous Next Description Controls Snippet Comments 0 This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function. View original size 6V6 elimination but everyone in a team has the same hero (hero A vs hero B) ! Use ult, kill or survive to score 1 point and try to reach the podium ! Some random events can appear at the begining of a round : No crosshair mode Ults ready Mercy vs D.Va Bastion vs Bastion Reinhardt vs Reinhardt Torbjörn vs Torbjörn Torbjörn vs Torbjörn (hammer only) Cassidy vs Cassidy (high noon only) On Workshop Expanse, there's a dome that shrinks over time. Players | 1 - 12 Categories: Elimination Tags: 6v6 elimination same hero Heroes: D.va, Orisa, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Sigma, and 27 more... Maps: Workshop Chamber, Workshop Island, Workshop Expanse Created at: Last updated: Report code Controls Interact + Reload Hide/display instructions + Hide/display instructions + Hide/display instructions + Hide/display instructions + Hide/display instructions Snippet Loading... Fullscreen Copy to clipboard