
[ZM2] Zombie Plague Infection by ZombieHunt#1601

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Survive 'til the round ends or infect everyone!

As survivors (non-Reaper/Moira): Shoot zombies to keep them away, headshot kills makes them lose a stack of mutagen. Survive 'til the end of the round to earn 2 extra points.

As zombies (Reaper/Moira): Melee to infect survivors, each kill gives you a stack of mutagen that enhances your stats/abilities when full. Reach level 4 (alpha) to enjoy a bonus 2 points for zombies' victory.

Inspired by CS1.6 zombie mode.

(Patch number format: # of major game features added . # of playable characters added . # of bug fixes and minor updates)

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