
Super Space Force - PvE Shoot 'em up v1.2.2

Super Space Force (by Delwion#2667)

Share Code (v1.2.1): QC28B

You are a member of an elite space force team! Defeat enemies during missions – in space! – in this shoot’em up style game mode (for 1-4 players)! When you complete a mission, you get a code for the next one that you can access in the following match (thanks to Drakorle for the idea to save progress between matches with codes)!

Setup in the Lobby:

Team 1: 1-4 human players


In the spawn room:

  • Press Ability 1, Ultimate, Ability 2, or Interact at the console to change the mission code (any non valid code will launch Mission 1).
  • As soon as all players in team 1 are inside the blue circle, the mission will start.

During a mission:

Move left and right as usual, hold Jump to accelerate. Press Interact to stop the hero slot machine (after collecting a Red Powerup).


  • Yellow Powerups refill some health.
  • Green Powerups grant 2 Power Levels and a shield for 5 seconds.
  • Red Powerups grant 1 Power Level and switch to any of the playable heroes (except the one you’re currently playing).
  • Power Levels increase your speed, damage dealt, and projectile velocity. The maximum Power Level is 10. When you lose a life, you lose all Power Levels.

Major Changes to Hero Abilities:

  • Pharah is immune to all damage during her ultimate ability (Barrage).
  • Genji and Doomfist are immune to all damage while using Ability 1 (Swift Strike/Rising Uppercut).

Playable Heroes:

Players always start with Zenyatta!

  • D.Va
  • Reinhardt
  • Wrecking Ball
  • Zarya
  • Doomfist
  • Genji
  • Pharah
  • Soldier: 76
  • Symmetra
  • Tracer
  • Lúcio
  • Mercy
  • Zenyatta


So far, there are 4 missions with increasing difficulty. The difficulty of the enemies is also automatically adjusted according to the number of players in team 1 (whenever that number changes).

A list of all workshop modes I’ve published:

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