
Random Abilities: Trivago

TL;DR: Random Abilities: Trivago is a 10-player FFA deathmatch in which a bunch of wacky zany stuff happens. If you dislike critical thinking, this might be the mode for you.

Longer Explanation:

Random Abilities: Trivago contains the entire kitchen sink of deathmatch mechanics. While there is still slight strategic depth, most of these systems are designed exclusively to overwhelm the player. The most important mechanics in this mode are as follows:

  • Abilities: Each life you will be assigned a random ability.
  • Color: Each life you will be assigned a random team. Damaging your allies increases your Wanted level.
  • Modifiers: Each life you might be assigned some modifiers. These will fundamentally change certain systems for you specifically.
  • Gold/Shopping: Yellow orbs give you gold, the shop sells permanent buffs for gold. You drop your gold on death.
  • Event Orbs: Some orbs come in funny colors and apply random effects to you when picked up.
  • Events: Sometimes an artifact will drop from the sky. If you pick it up you can cast the powerful ability bound to it.
  • Leveling Up: You don't start with everything unlocked. Leveling up allows you to unlock new thingies.


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