Modified Skirmish variant. Based on the Halo Reach gametype.
Please note that the game mode begins as soon as you enter the game from lobby, so make sure you have enough people to play it beforehand.
Invasion is a team-based, objective-based gametype It operates in three phases, with each phase altering the location of objectives, spawn locations, and available heroes for both teams.
Attackers must progress through all three phases to be victorious, while defenders must let the clock run down in a single phase to win. Each phase has a 4 minute clock, and the clock is reset if the attackers successfully reach the next phase.
This mode also features spawning in on an ally's position if it is relatively safe to do so, allowing teams to either keep up the pressure on the enemy team, or to ambush enemy players. Additionally, players can heal simply by not taking damage for four seconds.
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