Redundant Beam effect placement - TOOL
This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.
place a chain door in an x shape infront of you, and press crouch, melee, and reload to reshape it. secondary fire to reset it, primary fire to log to console. hud elements to check the location of the effects as well.
made this for a personal gamemode but could be adapted for other gamemodes.
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Current version:
create effect
stretch left
stretch right
stretch vertically
reset to center
log to inspector
create effect
stretch left
stretch right
stretch vertically
reset to center
log to inspector
create effect
stretch left
stretch right
stretch vertically
reset to center
log to inspector
create effect
stretch left
stretch right
stretch vertically
reset to center
log to inspector
create effect
stretch left
stretch right
stretch vertically
reset to center
log to inspector