
Genji Swordfight by BlueWolf#11721

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Move List

Jab : Q
Trip Slash : Ctrl + Attack (Cannot be used during Jab)
Block : E (Is used during the amount of time held until cooldown starts)
Light Slash : LMB
Heavy Slash : RMB


Stealth : Kill = Invisible until player has damaged a player or has been damaged, and Health Nerf

Heavy : Damage buff, and Speed nerf.

Aerial : Bunny Hops, and In air = Damage Buff

Absorption : RMB held + taking damage = heal damage boost (More damage taken = better damage boost)

Change Stances

Stealth : Acknowledge
Heavy : Group Up
Aerial : Need Healing
Absorbtion : Voice Line

Other Change(s)

Swift Strike (Has been shortened)
Kill = Healthboost 2 Kills = another Healthboost (Death = Reset Health)

(Next Update i'll tell how to change stances)

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