
PVP Boss Rush - Take Turns Becoming the Boss!

An 11v1 PVP boss rush gamemode where a new boss is selected at random every time the current boss is killed, so it's not just the host always choosing who the boss will be.

The boss is set to one hero, and everyone else is set to a different hero (all non-boss players will be the same hero). The boss is bigger and stronger than regular players. When the boss is killed, a new player becomes the boss, and all players change hero (again, with the non-boss players all being the same hero). Includes a snazzy boss HP bar for the boss. :)

This mode is heavily inspired by another 11v1 boss fight gamemode, where all heroes were similarly chosen at random (with all non-boss heroes being the same). It had the non-boss heroes change every 90 seconds or so (instead of every time the boss dies), and the same player was always the boss in a round. It also had a scoring system, with the game ending after a certain number of points had been earned by either the boss or the other players. If anyone knows who created this particualr 11v1 boss fight gamemode, let me know in the comments and I'll credit them.

Known issues(? Maybe fixed in v1.1, untested):

  • Some crashes due to excessive workshop load.
  • If a player leaves while they are the boss, the game bugs out. Just restart the match to fix it.

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