
Boss Mode 1v11 BETA by Miagui#11768

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Boss Fight

Saxton Hale-like boss mode 1v11 with several new mechanics for heroes.
A player is randomly selected to be Roadhog (boss) and can only use melees to do damage.
Each round lasts for 5 minutes, or until everyone or Roadhog is dead.
Some abilities that apply CC or debuff has been disabled, as it could stun your team and atm there's no way to prevent this.

OBS: It's still WIP and only a few heroes have added mechanics, i'll add more later as bugs are fixed.

Roadhog (Boss)

  • Melee: 150 dmg
  • Hook: 0 dmg (20secs. CD)
  • Rebreather: Moves faster for 2 seconds when used (10 secs. CD)
  • Super Jump: When using Rebreather and looking up, perform a Super Jump that knockback players when reach ground (like Hammond).
  • Jump Force: During Super Jump, press Crouch to accelerate your downfall. Knockback effect when reach ground is higher.


  • Soundwave: Apply self-knockback if aiming at down (6 secs. CD)
  • Soundbarrier: Stun boss if he's in 10m radius when you finish your ult. Stun duration is based on your time passed during the air.


  • Melee: Knockback boss if hit


  • Biotic Rifle: Heal player you shoot by 75hp (3* 25) and create a yellow aura. Also it heals players inside a 3m radius from the player that Ana shoot.


  • Pistol: Heal player you shoot by 30hp each shoot (30 ammo)
  • Fly Angel: Move to the direction you're looking (14 secs full CD/7 secs. unit CD)


  • Rocket Jump: Shoot at your feet to fly.
  • Jet Pack removed


  • Knight Inspiration: Increase your speed by 20% when hitting boss. Duration is based on hits dealt.
  • Fire Wave: Apply burn effect to boss when hit for 2 secs. (30dmg per hit)
  • Fury Meter: Increase your fury by doing damage. Purple aura effect increase based on your Fury meter.
  • Fury Knockback: Knockback boss when hit based on your fury


  • Biotic Grasp (Evil): Heal player your beam is hitting.
  • Coalescence: Knockback boss


  • Rocket Jump: Shoot at your feet to fly.


  • Damage Bubble: Create a bubble that lasts for 5 seconds. Apply a 30% dmg buff to players inside bubble. Does damage to boss if he is inside. (15 secs. CD)


  • Healing Inspiration: When hitting the boss, create a yellow circle that heals everyone inside it 45hp/s. Healing duration is based on hits dealt.


  • Can double jump
  • Move faster when crouching
  • Regenerative Burst: Heal players close to you (6m radius) 90hp/s for 2 secs.


  • Invisibility: Invisibility now is not cooldown based, but charge based. During invisiblility, drains 4%/s, and when not invisible regenerate 2%/s.

Known Bugs:

  • Sometimes match doesn't restart when boss disconnects, specifically during round swap.
  • Sometimes it can create double character HUDs, like "Damage +%" or "Healed" HUDs
  • Super Jump can be done infinitely during Rebreather.
  • Round not starting if there's a player that didn't choose


  • Add new mechanics, specifically for heroes that suffered a lot from abilities removed.
  • Make "Top Damage" HUD works accurately.
  • Show an icon on boss if he's too far away from players (based on players within radius)
  • Set round counter function to global instead of event player
  • Balancing

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