Original Gamemode by u/FearlessKat Code:VE9TP. Modified mode by Mortis#12941 Code: MTBEC with some help from Lemonaid#11644. Each character possesses a unique kit to help them hide from or run from or fight Monke. Hiders play to win by staying out of Monke's hearing and vision. Runners play to win by outmanuevering the Monke and strategically baiting his attention. Fighters play to win by fighting Monke head on, eating up valuable time that could be spent hunting hiders or runners.
As a hider, every hero is available to pick and they all have different roles. Some of them are hiders, some of them are runners, some of them are fighters, and some of them are hybrids. Your task is to successfully escape by atleast one of you surviving until the time to escape reaches 0.
As the Monke, your task is to kill all survivors. Do this by hearing their noises, seeing them and defeating them in combat, or using your ultimate to reveal their locations.
Controls are all explained in game via an in-game HUD that tells you what your hero's role is and what they do.