
Duel Arena by Seita#2315

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Duel Arena by Seita and MrPig100

1v1 Arena mod with three different arenas, Winner stays (or moves up)

First to 50 points, to win the map you need to be the king of the hill and get your final elimination in Arena 1, scoring and the arena queue system explained in the picture below:

Play while in queue enabled, the mode supports 2-12 players, the default player limit is set to 8 so players don't have to sit in the queue for a duel while sitting in a queue for ranked (you can easily change the player limit and everything will still work as intended)

12 Hero rotation, you get a new hero every time you die, order of the heroes is randomized for each player, heroes and modifiers listed below: (tried to keep the hero changes to a minimal so every hero does what you expect them to do)

  • Ana
  • Ashe (Ult. duration 50%)
  • Baptiste (Drone disabled)
  • Doomfist (No shields over 250hp)
  • Echo
  • Genji (Ult. duration 75%)
  • Hanzo
  • McCree
  • Soldier (Ult. duration 75%)
  • Tracer
  • Widowmaker (Grappling hook cooldown 30%)
  • Zenyatta

"Fun" extra modes for Duel Arena: (not updated)

  • Code: E4BQK - Reinhardt only (Same rules for players as in Reinhardt Combat AI)
  • Code: 3R5S6 - Winston Instagib
  • Code: 71EA3 - Genji Blade

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