

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

Kiriko Damage Hero
Healing Ofuda Kiriko's papers now deal damage (no LOS required)
Swift Step Now you go invis for 2.5 seconds
Protection Suzu Any enemy you are looking at takes 95% less healing for 5s (no LOS either but it can target dead enemies and change)

Brigitte Tank Hero (501hp) (500hp sheild)
New Passive #1 : Whenever she is damaged she does 4 dmg to the player
New Passive #2 : If you are killed , kill the person who killed you
New Passive #3 : Whenever you get the last hit on a enemy you heal 100hp

Lúcio Damage Hero
Crossfade disabled
New Passive : Whenever he kills someone he kills people in the radius of that kill

Ana Support Hero
Sleep Dart Sleep everybody in the lobby for 6s (Tanks are 3s)

Illari Damage Hero
Healing Pylon Replaced with new ability called Burn
Burn : burn the closest enemy you are looking at for 5s (20dmg per second)

Mercy Damage Hero
Guardian Angel Replaced with Heal Beam
Heal Beam : Heal yourself for 100hp
Resurrect reworked : if you are dead you can res yourself (60s cd)
Valkyrie replaced with Mass res 2.0
Mass Res 2.0 : Kill your entire team then res every dead teamate then make everybody on ur team invincible for 4s Damage Tank Hero
Boosters Replaced with Mega Buff
Mega Buff: Become 2x bigger with 2x health and deal 2x damage
New Passive : When you are baby you die (might bug out once u first spawn in)

Junker Queen Tank Hero (More changes to come)
Commanding Shout deals bleed damage

Reinhardt Support Hero
New Passive : Whenever he does damage heal ur team for 20hp (no matter where they are)
Charge Replaced with Big Amor Up
Big Armor Up : Give teamates in a radius 100 armor
Barrier Field Replaced with Armor Up
Armor up : Give urself 100 armor
Earthshatter Now his shatter knocks him and his team down and makes them unkillable for 15s

Roadhog Damage Hero (55 sheild health)
Chain Hook teleport you to the closest person you are looking too and buffs damage by 50%
Pig Pen Replaced with fart
Fart: His fart is so smelly it does damage to himself and enemies
Whole Hog do 3x damage

Bastion Damage Hero
Reconfigure Stay still and has lifesteal

Cassidy Damage hero
New Passive: Once you get a elem deal 50 damage to the player closest to the eleminated player

Echo Support Hero (more coming)
Tri Shot now heals allies (70 per shot)
New Passive: Any damage you do heal ur team (10hp)

Genji Damage hero (more coming)
Swift Strike does bleed damage (heals off of it)

Mei Tank hero (250 armor health and 50 sheild health)
hero is now bigger (which means bigger walls)
Cryo Freeze Freeze player around it for 2s

Reaper Damage Hero
New Passive: Whenever you get a FINAL blow you gain 50 overhealth
Death Blossom Instakill & Insta res enemies

Soldier: 76 Damage Hero
Sprint he has 0 gravity when sprinting
Tactical Visor everyone you are looking at is rooted

Symmetra Silent Damage Hero (28hp)
You are Invis
Have tiny lifesteal
You gain 10 sheild health for every FINAL blow
Photon Barrier Gain 200 overhealth and visible

Lifeweaver support hero
Healing Blossom Deals 40 damage when he heals with blossom
Rejuvenating Dash Deals 75 damage to whoever is near him
Life Grip Kills enemies who are near the pulled ally
Tree of Life if he heals while this is active enemies near healed allies are rooted

Sigma tank hero
All knockback gives sigma temp health (up to 775)

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