
Makes Bastion's kit more like his earlier one from the 2015 Overwatch beta.


  • Base health reduced from 350 to 250
  • Replaced Configuration: Assault with Configuration: Sentry
    • Bastion can no longer move during the use of Configuration: Sentry
    • Bastion creates a small shield with 500 HP upon using Configuration: Sentry, which is automatically destroyed once he ends the ability
  • Replaced Configuration: Artillery with Configuration: Tank
    • Primary Fire must be held to begin firing
  • Replaced A-36 Tactical Grenade with Self-Repair
    • Heals 37.5 HP per second while Secondary Fire is held, but depletes charge which is displayed on the top right
    • Charge regenerates after 5 seconds of no use


  • Balancing with a slight damage reduction during Configuration: Sentry
  • Extending time of Configuration: Tank to 8 seconds and fixing issues with firing


  • This mode cannot support more than 11 players as Bastion at once due to dummy bot limits, but a full 6v6 lobby with a limit of 1 hero each or 2 can be supported since there is a limit of only 2-4 Bastions, but all extensions will have to be turned off, unless the only available maps are Workshop maps (Workshop Island, Workshop Expanse, Workshop Chamber).

  • This works in Deathmatch, however Bastion cannot shoot through his own shield in Configuration: Sentry.

Players | 1 - 12
Heroes: All
Created at:
Last updated:
Current version: 1.0.2


Secondary Fire

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