Sigma's punchout how to play and montage
It started as an experiment. Still is. The dumbest game mode to exist, yet so fun and skillful. Made by ReZero {DoomfisŦǃ} and Taco {TNT}
The only way to kill is to land a melee attack, but you have abilities to help you out
Shield will apply an impulse in the direction the shield is facing when you let go of Right Click
Vortex blocks melee attacks, but not the boulder
Boulder knocks someone down to help secure a kill, and is not interrupted by the vortex, you can use them both at the same time if vortex is activated first
I was playing Sigma Parkour and the thought randomly popped into my head to make a game mode using similar design, and you can involve a lot of skill in this, it becomes addicting quick and you can pull off some nasty tricks to secure kills or escape.
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