
Ring the Bell by JeyzorZ#2660

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

This game mode revolves around a working bell that is out of bounds. Fly around the bell and ring the bell. Alternatively you can shoot others to steal points from them. Every hero has a jetpack they can fly with. There's a big dome around the bell that gets smaller as the round goes by. Going outside the dome will result in a death. Most heroes get more points the further away from the bell they are. Most abilities are replaces by different abilities (full list below). Each round lasts a maximum of 2 minutes. There are 12 heroes to choose from initially. After each round one hero is removed from the selection.

Balancing is still out of place as I haven't gotten to test the game mode with many players. There are probably bugs as well that I haven't been able to test out fully yet. I will update it once I get enough time to play it, balance it and make a trailer for it.

-There are 12 heroes to choose from in the first round.
-Each round lasts a maximum of 2 minutes. (up to 100 points or until everyone is dead)
-Game ends after 5 rounds.
-Dome decreases in size until 30 seconds is left in the round.
-After each round one hero is removed. If someone reached 100 points, then that player's hero is removed. Otherwise a random hero is removed.
-All heroes except Roadhog and Reaper gain more points the farther away they are from the bell. Roadhog and Reaper gain more points the closer they are. They also steal more points the closer they are to the enemy.
-Ashe and Widowmaker gain more points the farther they are from the bell but distance doesn't affect them as much as others.
-Shooting the bell and shooting enemies will give ultimate charge according to how many points is acquired.

-sleep dart slows by 50% for 11 seconds. (5 seconds after sleep status is over if no damage is dealt)
-ultimate gives 50% more points for hitting the bell as well as 50% more stolen points from enemies.

-coach gun deals 150% knockback and can also be shot at the bell. Being close to the bell grants more points.
-ultimate removes fourth of the points acquired by shooting the bell from all enemies. (10 second duration)

-regenerative burst removes 2.5 points from people around Baptiste and he gains 1.25 from each enemy around him.
-ultimate disables scoring for all enemies for 10 seconds.

-concussion mine is normal.
-ultimate knocks back enemies around him and removes 15 points from them. Junkrat also gains 15 points.

-flashbang is normal.
-ultimate ability steals points for every hit.

-cryo-freeze gives a points for every enemy around her.
-ultimate slows everyone by 100% for 5 seconds.

-concussive blast gives forward momentum.
-ultimate gives a lot of points when shooting the bell. Being close to the bell grants more points.

-wraith form is normal.
-shadow step teleports reaper to the closest enemy.
-ultimate gives a lot of points when in range of the bell.

-chain hook is normal.
-take a breather steals 2 points from every enemy around him.
-ultimate gives a lot of points when shooting the bell. Being close to the bell grants more points.

-overload is normal.
-ultimate gives a lot of points when shooting the bell. Being farther away grants more points.

-widowmaker gains extra ultimate charge by shooting enemies.
-grappling hook gives momentum to the facing direction.
-ultimate grants sixth of points gained by enemies. (15 second duration)

-ultimate makes zenyatta immune to knockback. ultimate also sucks people in. While sucked in enemies cannot move themselves and lose a lot of points.

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