Original version: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/bietum/workshopcheckoutvolleybombv5nkr/
This mode was not created by me. I added the function.
- The size of the ball has been increased.
- The camera tracks the ball regardless of the ball's speed
- Create the opposite wall, and when the ball hits the wall, the ball moves in the opposite direction.
- Slow motion occurs for 0.5 seconds when the ball strikes the wall (provides time to prepare)
- Create a ceiling and set the ball to move in the opposite direction when the ball hits the ceiling.
- Reinhardt can rush towards the opponent.
- Reinhardt can jump when rushed.
- Winston can hit the ball with a jump pack.
- Genji can spike the ball with a swift strike.
- Volleyball net added.
- In case of camera bug, you can recover with interactive key.
- Ash can fly with a shock shotgun.
- Junk rats may fly with impact mines.
- McCreee jumps over when he rolls.
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