
Chill don't kill or be jailed have fun make friend by MaitreFAKIR#21531

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

The Game is run with an AutoAdmin , dont make kills to avoid to be jailed and miss fun stuff ! The game contain admin characters like Orisa and Mercy in team 1 , Here is the controls key:

Orisa : Tp yourself to someone - shield+reinforcement+crouch when looking to someone

EDITED Tp someone to you : crouch+shot when aiming the people

Out of bounds tp : interact button

NEW Activate the flying mode : blindage+ halt

NEW Tp someone out of bound (when flying) : regroup when loonking someone (unstable be caraful if someone is near zenyatta (USE IT ON A BOT ZENYATTA TO BE ABLE TO USE HIM AS PLATFORM )or the player will got gravity 0 so move it to spectate to deactivate it)

NEW stoping the flying mode : shot

NEW Emergency landing if stuck : i need healing (when flying )

EDITED Jail someone manually : reinforcement + ult+aim someone will shooting

EDITED Unjail Someone : Aiming the jailed player :+ Emote Right

Rez all dead allies : blindage+ healing

Rez all ennemies :Blindage+ult states

tp all : blindage+ult+emote top

Create Blue Teleporter : Ult +Shield + Understood

Create Orange Teleporter: Ult +Shield+Hello

Use of teleporter : run into one of the 2 tp.

Clear Teleporter (may need 2 of them to be set for work ) Ult+Crouch+Ult State

New : Create an immortality fields : ult + crouch + lookup+i need healing

New : remove immortality fields : ult + crouch + lookdown + i need healing

NEW Activate/ deactivate the mode : crouch+ use button

NEW Attract someone : aim +shot

NEW Handle someone is auto after attracted someone

NEW Repulse someone : aim + Halt

NEW drop someone handled with care : deactivate the mode with someone in your hands.


NEW Transform people to torbjorn and make them burn : deal damage as mercy

NEW Create imortality fields : Ult + Secondary fire

NEW remove Imf : Ult+primary fire.

NEW : immortality fields , stay in the circle to be unkillable , you cant damage anyone outside of the circle when you are in.

FeedBack are welcome !

Made With Love by MaitreFAKIR , originnaly on Ptr edited on xbox .


Known issue :

Some bugs about entity may be encountered pls move the creator of entity in spectate before make him back a patch is in way .

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