
Clear floor by floor an endless dungeon. Enemy stats get higher as you progress through the floors. Upgrade your own stats, pickup a few new abilities and gear. The dungeon has random trap events and modifiers for enemies and spawns. WIP, I'm still adding enemy types, bosses, and trap events. The Flag on the map is the group of players. the skull is the floor boss. the ? are traps and treasures. The size of the map grows as you progress through the floors. I removed the gear drops that were in the older version and replaced them with extra passives for now.


This post utilizes other codes either in part or in full. This could be because they remixed them, used parts of them, were inspired by them, or other reasons.

Players | 1 - 4
Categories: PvE
Heroes:, Doomfist, Junker Queen, Mauga, Orisa, and 34 more...
Created at:
Last updated:
Current version: 2.5


Interact + Clear Room
Brings up Menu.
Interact + Enemies Present
Uses alternate ability
quick dodge
Open the Doors
+ Clear Room
Brings up Menu.
+ Enemies Present
Uses alternate ability
quick dodge
Open the Doors
+ Clear Room
Brings up Menu.
+ Enemies Present
Uses alternate ability
quick dodge
Open the Doors
+ Clear Room
Brings up Menu.
+ Enemies Present
Uses alternate ability
quick dodge
Open the Doors
+ Clear Room
Brings up Menu.
+ Enemies Present
Uses alternate ability
quick dodge
Open the Doors

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