Run from daddy... or face his punishment!
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Brigitte's school report came in, and Torbjörn isn't too happy about her grades. Being the responsible father figure he is, it's up to daddy to discipline his daughter. Brigitte must run from daddy, or face his punishment!
Run From Daddy is an arcade-style team runner, horror, and survival mode - pitting a trio of angry, powerful Torbjörns against a plethora of frail, but agile Brigittes, leading to intense and fast-paced gameplay! To win, Team 1 (Torbjörn) must eliminate Team 2 (Brigitte) either with forge hammer or ultimates. Team 2 must evade and survive until the timer runs out, or even get some cheeky environmental kills to claim victory.
If your teammates are rapidly dying left and right, don't give up hope just yet! Brigitte can revive fallen allies by staying within their revive ring until the 10 second timer is completed, but don't die while doing so! If Torbjörn is eliminated, he is revived automatically over a 30 second period. First to win 5 rounds takes the victory!
Since the 4.0 update, Run From Daddy features multiple built-in modes part of a mode cycle system. These modes switch up gameplay and add new features to the original mode, which has been dubbed "Classic".
Mayhem: An intense and chaotic twist, with low cooldowns, fast revives and powerful ultimates! In Mayhem, changes that are usually implemented in the last 60 seconds of Classic occur indefinitely. This mode is designed for and meant to be played on smaller, "Mayhem Exclusive" maps.
Mayhem Changes:
- Reviving is reduced.
- Cooldowns are reduced.
- Ultimate charge gain is increased.
- Hero-changing transformation ultimates.
- Forge hammer and overload are automatic.
- Overload cooldown is removed.
Duplication: Players are permanently transformed in this Reinhardt vs. Mercy adaptation! In Duplication, a plethora of frail, but agile Mercys must survive against a trio of angry, powerful Reinhardts. This mode contains new changes to Ziegler's Blessing and Wilhelm's Wrath.
Duplication Changes:
Ziegler's Blessing
- Healing output is decreased.
- Melee knockback is increased.
- Resurrect cast time is increased.
- Ultimate charge gain is decreased.
Wilhelm's Wrath
- Rocket hammer no longer instakills, but firestrike and charge still do (hammer instakills if Reinhardt has no spawned-in teammates).
- Barrier field blocks healing and resurrect.
- Gain health by dealing damage.
- Ultimate charge gain is decreased.
- Movement speed is decreased.
When 60 seconds are remaining...
- Location is revealed.
- Reviving is reduced.
- Cooldowns are reduced.
- Ultimate charge gain is increased.
- Mercy's resurrect cast time is decreased.
- Reinhardt's movement speed is increased.
Classic: The original horror survival mode you know and love, pitting a trio of angry, powerful Torbjörns against a plethora of frail, but agile Brigittes. Run from daddy... or face his punishment!
When 60 seconds are remaining...
- Location is revealed.
- Reviving is reduced.
- Cooldowns are reduced.
- Ultimate charge gain is increased.
- Hero-changing transformation ultimates.
- Forge hammer and overload are automatic.
- Overload cooldown is removed.
![Brigitte](/assets/heroes/50/brigitte-d635ec554250e4bf5638f00bf5571a57f5aa5b387e0988017eb18710c34f20f1.png) |
Brigitte |
Rally |
Brigitte becomes invulnerable, heals nearby allies over time and auto-run is deactivated for 10 seconds. |
Disperse (COMING) |
Brigitte pushes nearby enemies away, heals nearby allies over time and auto-run is deactivated for 10 seconds. |
Ziegler's Blessing |
Replacing Rally, Brigitte transforms into an angelic Mercy for 15 seconds. Heal, damage boost, guardian angel, super jump, resurrect fallen allies and even yourself to score victory against daddy. A most impressive display! |
Ziegler's Blessing Features:
- Guardian angel can be cancelled into a super jump by pressing crouch.
- Resurrect casting time has been reduced, allowing Mercy to almost instantly revive an ally.
- Valkyrie has been replaced by Self-resurrect, automatically reviving the player if their ultimate has fully charged and dies.
- To prevent Mercy from slowly falling, angelic descent is disabled.
- Healing output is drastically increased.
- Melee deals knockback.
![Torbjörn](/assets/heroes/50/torbjorn-5fdbca06b8adb127c43ae4a326c716483484cae857b5c7165cdf13ecfb1304b3.png) |
Torbjörn |
Molten Core |
Torbjörn becomes invulnerable, burns nearby enemies over time for 6 seconds and hacks nearby enemies after use. |
Molten Ooze (VAULTED) |
Torbjörn becomes invulnerable, slows nearby enemies over time for 6 seconds and hacks nearby enemies after use. |
Wilhelm's Wrath |
Replacing Molten Core, Torbjörn transforms into an enraged Reinhardt for 10 seconds. Swing your rocket hammer, charge, firestrike and even earthshatter to score victory against his defenseless goddaughter. PRECISION GERMAN ENGINEERING!!! |
Wilhelm's Wrath Features:
- Charge can be cancelled by pressing ability 1.
- Charge speed is drastically increased.
- Firestrike speed is drastically increased.
- Barrier field blocks healing and resurrect in Duplication.
- Barrier field is disabled outside of Duplication.
- Any damage-dealing blow is fatal!
Future Implementations
Want to influence the next mode coming to Run From Daddy? Cast your vote from the options below or suggest your own here!
This mode is still a work in progress, and I plan to add frequent content and updates to improve the Run From Daddy experience. I've been coming up with some really cool concepts for future modes, whether or not they become a reality. Here are some modes that could be coming soon:
Infection! One random player starts as Torbjörn, and must infect Brigitte by eliminating her, which converts her into a Torbjörn teammate. This mode is the first to use deathmatch rules, not include reviving, and last less, longer rounds. Infect all players before the timer runs out to win!
Cops n' Robbers! Inspired by Mario Kart 8 Deluxe's Renegade Roundup, eliminated Brigittes are held in jail/timeout in either spawn. Brigitte must free them and survive, while Torbjörn must capture all players before the timer runs out!
Run From Mommy! The tables have turned! A plethora of frail, agile Torbjörns must survive against a trio of angry, powerful Brigittes.
Run From Mummy! Pharah refuses to join Overwatch, and faces Ana's wrath! In this mode, Pharah has severely reduced rocket fuel, but can use jump jet to escape her mother's fist. Ana can only melee, however, sleep dart instakills and biotic grenade hacks and slows enemies hit, while speeding up allies hit.
The Haunting! Tobjörn is invisible when not swinging forge hammer, and can only be heard and seen by vfx. A truly terrifying horror experience!
Closing Thoughts
Finally, if you've made it this far without getting as far away from me as humanly possible, I want to say a big thank you for checking out my first created and first uploaded code, and I hope you enjoy!
I'd love to hear your feedback, whether gameplay improvements, mode suggestions, bug fixes, general changes or questioning my life choices:]