- Gun Shop (ULT = Cycle, Interact = Buy)
- Pick up guns of any dead player (Interact)
- Place/Defuse Bomb (Ability 2)
- Bomb Damage/Knockback
- Bomb drops on T-Death (WIP)
- Easily extendable to new maps (Spawn, Objectives, Blocked Zones fully configureable as array in a single trigger)
Multi Map Support
- Blizzard World (Bomb)
- Havana (Bomb)
# Abilities
## [C]ounter-[T]errorist
- Defuse Bomb (Hold Ability 1)
- Plant Bomb (1 random T gets the bomb - Hold Ability 1)
- Smoke (Ability 1 - 10sec CD and costs 300 in cash)
- Mercy (Pistol)
- McCree (Deagle)
- Tracer (SMG)
- Solider 76 (M4/AK)
- Windowmaker (AWP)
Bomb Plant/Defuse: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/bi4xbv/workshop_i_created_csgo_in_overwatch/
Smoke: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/bhypju/i_made_a_smoke_grenade_preset_that_you_can_add_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
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