
Overwatch 1.8.0-1.9 Patch [Season 4]

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

I've spent way too long working on this.

Reverts the game to a state nearing the patches mentioned in the title, which are somewhere near early-mid Season 4.
This is post Bastion rework, post Mercy invuln-rez, post Nano speed boost, and post Symmetra 1.0.

Reinhardt's shield health isn't changed; everything else about him is.

I've omitted a few small primary fire changes for the sake of the servers.

Destroying Symmetra's teleporter requries it to be stood near for 4 seconds because, again, I'd like the gamemode to be playable.

If you find any bugs, please let me know.


Old ultimate charge rates (for all heroes)


Old healing/damage values
Old Ammo
Old Sleep Dart duration


Old Ammo values
Old Self Repair healing and resource drain values


Disallowed shooting during Boosters
Old Boosters cooldown
Old Defense Matrix resource drain and recovery rate
Old health values
Can escape Graviton Surge with Boosters


Old ammo values
Can escape Graviton Surge with Swift Strike
Old Secondary Fire recovery rate
(Deflect was unable to be reverted)


Scatter Arrow, except only three arrows are spawned to reduce server load (overall damage is still essentially the same)
Lunge Removed


Old projectile speed values
Old RipTire wall climb and speed values
One Concussion Mine


Old Crossfade range
Old Crossfade healing values
Soundwave ammo cost
Old Wall-Ride speed

Old Combat Roll cooldown
Old Flashbang stun duration
Can escape Graviton Surge with Combat Roll


Old Freeze duration
Old Secondary Fire ammo cost
Old Ice Wall cooldown
Old Cryofreeze healing


Old Guardian Angel
Mass Resurrect (with movement and Guardian Angel reset, as well as old ult cost)
Can escape Graviton Surge with Guardian Angel


Old Jump Jet lift speed
Old Primary Fire recovery rate
Can escape Graviton Surge with Jump Jet


Old Passive
Shadow Step disabled while in air
(Wraith cancellation was unable to be reverted)


Old movement speed values while shielding
Old Earthshatter duration
Old Primary Fire damage values
Can escape Graviton Surge with Charge


Movement disallowed during Take A Breather
Old Primary Fire damage values
Old Ammo Values

Soldier: 76

Old Primary Fire damage values
Old Biotic Field healing values
Old ammo values


Symmetra 2.0

Old Primary Fire
Slower Secondary Fire (I would rather the server be stable than reimplement my old secondary fire code)
Photon Barrier (kinda works? sometimes? idk sorry)
Teleporter/Shield Generator
Old Health Values


Torbjorn 1.0

Scrap Mechanics
Old Health values
Armor Packs
Old Molten Core
(Turret was unable to be reverted)


Old Ammo values
Old Health values


Old Pulse Bomb damage values
Can escape Graviton Surge with Blink
Can escape Graviton Surge with Recall


Old Translocator Duration
Old Stealth Duration
Old Hack Cooldown
Hack no longer goes on cooldown when interrupted
Hacked health packs give ult charge.
Can escape Graviton Surge with Translocator
Old Hack Duration

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