
Boss fight, Bot vs 6 players. by MegaDBow#1949

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Inspired from another game's bosses, this boss is supposed to be very difficult to beat as the team needs to stay alive for as long as possible in order to sustain eachother, the mechanics are not very hard but extremely punishing; dont pay attention to one and you are dead. You cant enviromental kill the boss smh

All the heroes are roughly the same as normal with some exceptions:

  • Bastion deals 65% damage in turret form
  • Symmetra has no turrets but has 130% damage to compensate
  • Mei is often punished by the boss, with some skill you can work around this
  • Roadhog's ult has 50% knockback
  • Reinhard's charge stops after 1.2 seconds of having pinned someone, earning the damage and knocking down both the rein and the target. You can still miss and go to space.
  • Mercy has a timer on each dead person, it resets if the mercy is close to prevent weird situations in which the rez happens in the body teleport location, this also enables the mercy for some skill play to keep the timer going for as long as the mercy is capable of, as the rez cooldown is still 30 seconds

There are 2 modes, skirmish and elimination; in skirmish you do respawn but there are some issues, as its not the intended mode. The instructions on how to set each mode are in the editor.

Known bug I aint fixing as of yet: The flames can spawn midair if a hero like genji is above jump height at the same time the boss casts this attack. If there is no visible ring, that means its midair and you must run away from the area at once or else you risk getting killed without being able to react

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