
I decided that VAXTA and other aim trainers weren't enough for me so I made my own aim trainer with a few customisable settings.


In this mode there's an in-game custom menu in the top left of the screen that you can use to:

  • Change your current hero
  • Change the hero of the bot you want to spawn
  • Spawn the bot

If you click on SETTINGS -> WORKSHOP SETTINGS you will see a few customisation options such as:

  • If the bot will shoot you
  • If the bot will spawn at your position or in a random spot on the map
  • How fast the bot can move


  • When the bot dies it will wait 1 second before respawning in a new spot within 10 meters from the player (100 meters if the random spawn setting is enabled.)
  • When you die you are respawned in the same spot after 3 seconds of waiting and the bot is reset.
  • If either you or the bot fall off of the map (or are booped off of it) you will respawn in the nearest safe place to stand. This prevents any issues with bots not spawning near you or dying repeatedly and prevents you from dying infinitely and getting stuck in a death loop.
  • If the bot spawns in an unfavourable spot such as a different section of a control map, you can respawn the bot in a new location via the menu.
Players | 1 - 2
Categories: Solo, Practice Mode
Heroes: All
Maps: Circuit Royal, Dorado, Havana, Junkertown, Rialto, and 27 more...
Created at:
Last updated:
Current version: 1.0.0


Holding allows you to access the menu.
Crouch + Interact
Spawn the bot.
Crouch + Primary Fire
Cycle the bot hero selection forwards.
Crouch + Secondary Fire
Cycle the bot hero selection backwards.
Crouch + Melee
Change your hero.
Holding allows you to access the menu.
Spawn the bot.
Cycle the bot hero selection forwards.
Cycle the bot hero selection backwards.
Change your hero.
Holding allows you to access the menu.
Spawn the bot.
Cycle the bot hero selection forwards.
Cycle the bot hero selection backwards.
Change your hero.
Holding allows you to access the menu.
Spawn the bot.
Cycle the bot hero selection forwards.
Cycle the bot hero selection backwards.
Change your hero.
Holding allows you to access the menu.
Spawn the bot.
Cycle the bot hero selection forwards.
Cycle the bot hero selection backwards.
Change your hero.



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