

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.


Ability 1
Stuns opponents hit for 1 second
Secondary Fire
Knocks you enemy back a long distance
Primary Fire
Hacks the opponents that are hit
Knocks down all opponents hit for 5 seconds
Stuns opponents hit for 1 second
Knocks you enemy back a long distance
Hacks the opponents that are hit
Knocks down all opponents hit for 5 seconds
Stuns opponents hit for 1 second
Knocks you enemy back a long distance
Hacks the opponents that are hit
Knocks down all opponents hit for 5 seconds
Stuns opponents hit for 1 second
Knocks you enemy back a long distance
Hacks the opponents that are hit
Knocks down all opponents hit for 5 seconds
Stuns opponents hit for 1 second
Knocks you enemy back a long distance
Hacks the opponents that are hit
Knocks down all opponents hit for 5 seconds

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