
Winston configurable juggle training by time#2562

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

juggle gif



  • Add any bot (or use a friend as a parry)
  • Open any map and go to the position that you want to practice on
  • Position yourself where you want the enemy to be and press CROUCH + JUMP to save that position
  • Position yourself where you want to be and press ULTIMATE + JUMP to save that position
  • Once you are ready, hit the Shield button (default E) to start or restart the scenario

You can see how many hits your combo did on top of the screen, also when you do 3 you will see 'GOOD', when you do 4 you will see 'SUPERB'

If you forget a command, you have them printed on the top left side of your screen.
If you want the enemy to move, you can toggle enemy movement by pressing ULTIMATE + CROUCH

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