This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.
This is a complete overhaul of the free for all deathmatch mode designed around roughly 2-4 players but can be played with more. It is intended that all 32 heroes are on a more equal playing field and overall leading to a more balanced experience.
Patch notes are below but for a better look here is a forum post:
Changes below:
- After 8s of not taking damage, heroes will now begin to heal for 15% of their Max Health at the time of triggering. (Meaning it stacks with health increasing effects)
- Passive ultimate charge gained increased by 20%
- Health of Pilot D.Va decreased from 150HP to 125HP
- Health of MEKA D.Va redistributed from 300HP/300AP to 150HP/150AP
New Passive: MEKA Support
- When playing as Pilot D.VA gain 10% ultimate charge on elimination, 8% ultimate charge on final blow.
- 10s after taking damage Pilot D.Va will instantly get Call Mech, the timer resets when taking damage.
Fusion Cannons:
- Movement penalty decreased from -40% to -25%
Defense Matrix:
- Maximum duration increased from 2s to 3s
- Restoration rate decreased from 16% per second to 10% per second
Micro Missiles:
- Cooldown decreased from 8s to 6s
Self Destruct:
- Ultimate cost decreased by 33%
Call Mech:
- Ultimate Cost decreased by 33%
- Health redistributed from 200HP/250AP to 100HP/125AP
- Melee damage increased from 30 to 33
Fusion Driver:
- Damage per bullet increased from 11 to 12
- Movement penalty decreased from -30% to 0%
- Ammo decreased from 150 to 75
- Cooldown increased from 6s to 8s
- Now grants a +40% move speed buff
Protective Barrier:
- Health decreased from 600 to 150
- Barrier cooldown decreased from 10s to 8s
- Size decreased by 20%
- Health decreased from 200 to 50
- Ultimate cost decreased by 17%
- Health redistributed from 300HP/200AP to 175HP/100AP
- Movement speed increased from 5.5m/s to 6m/s
New Passive: Rampage
- After securing an elimination Reinhardt will gain various buffs
- Reinhardt will heal for 23hps for 6.5s
- Reinhardt will gain +50% move bonus for 6.5s
- Earning another elimination resets the duration
Rocket Hammer:
- Damage increased from 85 to 105
Barrier Field:
- Health decreased from 1600 to 550
- Barrier size decreased by 15%
- Movement penalty decreased from -30% to -15%
- Barrier regeneration rate decreased from 160hps to 30hps
- Damage decreased from 300 to 165
- Cooldown decreased from 10s to 7s
- Move speed buff increased from +200% to +225%
- Using charge decreases damage taken for its duration by 30%
- Charge can now be cancelled by pressing the interact key after 0.6s of using the ability
- Damage decreased from 100 to 75
- Cooldown decreased from 6s to 3s
- Projectile Speed increased from 25m/s to 75m/s
- Per hit will give 30 armour that immediately begins to decay at a rate of 4 per second
- Ground damage increased from 50 to 85
- Impact damage increased from 250 to 425
- Ultimate cost decreased by 20%
- Health decreased from 600HP to 275HP
Scrap Gun:
- Ammo increased from 5 to 6
Take a Breather:
- Cooldown decreased from 8s to 5s
- Healing dealt decreased from 300 to 100
Whole Hog:
- Ultimate cost reduced by 20%
- Health redistributed from 300HP/100SP to 100HP/100SP
Experimental Barrier:
- Health decreased from 700 to 350
- Regeneration rate decreased from 80hps to 34hps
- Cooldown decreased from 10s to 8s
Gravitic Flux:
- Ultimate cost decreased by 33%
- Health redistributed from 350HP/150AP to 175HP/100AP
- Movement speed increased from 5.5m/s to 6m/s
New Passive: Giant Punch!
- Melee damage increased from 30 to 55
Tesla Cannon:
- Ammo reduced from 100 to 80
Jump Pack:
- Landing damage increased from 50 to 55
- Take off damage increased from 1 to 6
- Cooldown decreased from 6s to 5s
- Dealing damage with this ability now inflicts 0.25s of knock down
Barrier Projector:
- Health decreased from 700 to 200
- Cooldown decreased from 13s to 10s
- Size decreased by 33%
Primal Rage:
- Total health decreased from 1000 to 450
- Duration reduced from 10s to 5s
- Ultimate cost decreased by 13%
- Health redistributed from 500HP/100AP to 250HP/50AP
Quad Cannons:
- Ammo increased from 80 to 100
Grappling Claw:
- When spawning in it is no longer on cooldown
- Being in ball form now has a resource meter, if the meter runs out you will be transformed back into standard form.
Adaptive Shield:
- No longer grants temporary shields, instead grants temporary armour.
- Cooldown reduced from 15s to 9s
- Base armour granted decreased from 100 to 50
- Armour per player granted decreased from 75 to 37.5
- Can no longer be cast until all previous temporary health is destroyed
- If Wrecking ball has any temporary health almost all CC will immediately be cleansed if cast onto him
- Cooldown decreased from 10s to 8s
- Can now be cast on the ground
- Casting on the ground will now propel you upward before automatically activating piledriver
- Health redistributed from 200HP/200SP to 100HP/100SP
- Melee damage increased from 30 to 36
Particle Cannon:
- Ammo decreased from 100 to 80
Particle Cannon (Primary Fire):
- Damage increased from 75-170 to 90-204
Particle Cannon (Secondary Fire):
- Damage increased from 47-95 to 56-114
- Knockback increased by 90%
- Ammo consumption decreased from 25 to 20
Particle Barrier:
- Health decreased from 200 to 100
- Now grants a 30% movement speed buff
- Cooldown decreased from 10s to 9s
Projected Barrier:
- Now acts as a second Particle Barrier
Graviton Surge:
- Ultimate cost decreased by 23%
- Damage per second increased from 5dps to 6dps
The Viper:
- Ammo decreased from 12 to 9
Coach Gun:
- Cooldown decreased from 10s to 8s
- Cooldown increased from 12s to 14s
- Detonation time decreased from 2s to 1.5s
- Ultimate cost decreased by 20%
- Health redistributed from 200HP/100AP to 125HP/125AP
- Melee damage increased from 30 to 33
Configuration: Recon:
- Damage per bullet increased from 20 to 22
- Ammo decreased from 35 to 25
Self Repair:
- Maximum Duration reduced from 3.33s to 1.67s
- Recharge rate decreased by 20%
- Now restores 7 ammo per second
Configuration Sentry:
- Damage decreased from 15 per bullet to 8 per bullet
- Can now move
- Can now Jump
- Now has a cooldown of 12s
- Now has a duration of 6s
- Being in this form no longer reloads Configuration: Recon
- Now plays voicelines for its duration
Configuration: Tank:
- Now increases move speed by 50%
- Knockback increased by 30%
- Ultimate Cost decreased by 9%
Cassidy: The Peacekeeper:
- Ammo decreased from 6 to 5
- No longer reloads
- Cooldown decreased from 6s to 4s
- Stun duration decreased from 0.8s to 0.7s
- Cooldown increased from 10s to 12s
High Noon:
- No longer reloads
- Movement speed penalty decreased from -70% to -20%
- Ultimate cost decreased by 9%
- Health decreased from 250 to 225
The Best Defense:
- Shields gained decreased from 30 to 27
Hand Cannon:
- Ammo regeneration time decreased from 0.65s to 0.52s
Meteor Strike:
- Ultimate Cost decreased by 33%
Focusing Beam:
- Cooldown decreased from 8s to 7.25s
- Duration reduced from 2s to 1.25s
- Wallclimb is now on an 8s cooldown
Damage per shuriken decreased from 29 to 28
Damage reflected is now 1.5x stronger
- Damage per swing decreased from 110 to 105
- Duration reduced from 6s to 5s
- Wallclimb is now on an 8s cooldown
Storm Bow:
- Damage decreased from 27.2-125 to 23.9-110
Sonic Arrow:
- Cooldown decreased from 12s to 8s
Storm Arrows:
- Number of arrows increased from 5 to 8
- Arrow damage decreased from 70 to 30
- Damage per dragon decreased from 150dps to 132dps
- Ultimate cost decreased by 9%
Total Mayhem:
- Damage per grenade decreased from 50 to 46
Frag Launcher:
- Ammo increased from 5 to 6
- Direct damage decreased from 40 to 37
- Splash damage decreased from 10-80 to 9-74
Concussion Mine:
- Knockback decreased by 10%
- Damage decreased from 30-120 to 28-110
Steel Trap:
- Damage increased from 80 to 110
- Cooldown decreased from 10s to 7s
- Duration reduced from 10s to 6s
- Health decreased from 250HP to 200HP
Endothermic Blaster (Primary Fire):
- Can no longer freeze
- Damage per second increased from 55 to 100
- Maximum duration reduced from 4s to 2s
- Cooldown decreased from 12s to 10s
Ice Wall:
- Cooldown decreased from 12s to 9s
- Health per pillar decreased from 450 to 360
- Ultimate cost decreased by 42%
Hover Jets:
- Maximum duration increased from 2s to 4s
- Recharge rate decreased from 43% per second to 32%
- Vertical speed reduced from 4.27m/s to 2.58m/s
- Horizontal move speed buff increased from +20% to +65%
Rocket Launcher:
- Impact damage reduced from 40 to 38
- Splash damage reduced from 80 to 77
- Projectile speed decreased from 35m/s to 28m/s
Jump Jet:
- Cooldown decreased from 10s to 8s
- Height decreased from 11.55m to 6.93
Concussive Blast:
- Cooldown decreased from 9s to 7s
- Knockback increased by 25%
- Is now cancellable after 0.35s of casting by pressing the interact key
- Ultimate duration decreased from 2.5s to 2s
- Direct damage decreased from 40 to 38
- Health decreased from 250 to 225
The Reaping:
- Health restored decreased from 35% of damage dealt to 20%
Hellfire Shotguns:
- Damage per pellet decreased from 6 to 5
- Ammo decreased from 8 to 6
Wraith Form:
- Cooldown decreased from 8s to 3.5s
- Move speed bonus increased from +50% to +150%
- Duration reduced from 3s to 0.7s
- No longer reloads
Shadow Step:
- Cooldown decreased from 10s to 6s
Death Blossom:
- Move speed penalty decreased from -50% to 0%
- Damage decreased from 170dps to 135dps
- Ultimate cost reduced by 9%
Soldier 76:
Pulse Rifle:
- Damage per bullet decreased from 20 to 18
- Ammo reduced from 30 to 24
Helix Rockets:
- Cooldown increased from 6s to 7s
- Damage decreased from 120 to 108
- Is now on a resource meter
- Depleting this meter will stop you being able to sprint
Biotic Field:
- Healing per second reduced from 35hps to 28hps
Tactical Visor:
- Ultimate cost reduced by 20%
- Now deals 50% more damage to hacked targets
Machine Pistol:
- Damage per bullet decreased from 8 to 6
- Now reveals enemies through walls
- Cooldown decreased from 8s to 6s when hacking a player
- Cooldown increased from 4s to 15s when hacking a healthpack
- Cooldown increased from 2s to 5s when hack is interrupted
- Cooldown increased from 6s to 7s
- Cooldown increased from 6s to 9s
- Will now automatically force Sombra to translocate when cooldown reaches 0
- If Sombra cannot translocate and the cooldown reaches 0, translocator will be destroyed
- Using translocator within the first 2s of casting will cause translocator to go onto a 5s cooldown
- Now deals 20% of the targets health
- Health redistributed from 100HP/125SP to 75HP/125SP
Photon Projector:
- Ammo decreased from 70 to 42
Photon Projector (Secondary Fire):
- Is now an ability
- Has an 8s cooldown
- Projectile speed increased from 25m/s to 35m/s
- Maximum damage increased from 120 to 140
- No longer consumes ammo
Sentry Turret:
- Cooldown increased from 10s to 16s
- Now restores 1 charge per elimination
- Projectile speed increased from 15m/s to 21m/s
- Now has a 6s duration
- Now automatically destroys itself when Symmetra dies
- Cooldown reduced from 10s to 8s
Photon Barrier:
- Ultimate cost reduced by 43%
Deploy Turret:
- Now has an 8s duration
- Duration reduced from 5s to 4s
- Armour granted reduced from 100 to 75
- Cooldown increased from 3s to 3.5s
- Cooldown increased from 12s to 14s
- Health increased from 175 to 200
- Melee damage increased from 30 to 32
Widow’s Kiss:
- Ammo decreased from 35 to 25
Widow’s Kiss (Primary Fire):
- Damage increased from 13 to 14
Widow’s Kiss (Secondary Fire):
- Maximum damage per shot decreased from 120 to 100
Grappling Hook:
- Cooldown decreased from 12s to 9s
Venom Mine:
- Cooldown decreased from 15s to 12s
- Damage now varies between 57-81 instead of a flat 75
- Ultimate Cost decreased by 20%
Biotic Rifle:
- Ammo reduced from 12 to 9
Sleep Dart:
- Duration decreased from 5s to 3s
- Cooldown increased from 12s to 14s
Biotic Grenade:
- Healing dealt reduced from 100 to 60
- Cooldown increased from 10s to 12s
Nano Boost:
- Healing dealt reduced from 250 to 150
- Ultimate cost reduced by 33%
Biotic Launcher:
- Ammo reduced from 45 to 30
Regenerative Burst:
- Cooldown increased from 13s to 15s
- Healing per second on self no longer doubled
Amplification Matrix:
- Ultimate cost reduced by 43%
- Healing reduced from 15hps to 10hps
Barrier Shield:
- Movement penalty reduced from -30% to -15%
- Regeneration rate reduced from 85hps to 50hps
- Health reduced from 250 to 200
Shield Bash:
- Cooldown reduced from 7s to 6s
- Damage increased from 5 to 40
- Stun duration reduced from 0.75s to 0.001s
- Distance increased from 6.81m to 9m
Whip Shot:
- Cooldown increased from 4s to 6s
- Knockback decreased by 40%
- Ultimate cost reduced by 34%
- Armour per second reduced from 30 to 24
- Maximum armour reduced from 100 to 80
- Healing dealt to Lucio reduced from 12hps to 9hps
Amp it Up:
- Healing dealt to Lucio reduced from 40hps to 30hps
Sound Barrier:
- Ultimate cost reduced by 29%
- Shields given reduced from 750 to 375
- Now deals 175 damage to enemies within 3.5m
- Removed.
Angelic Descent:
- Now provides a +30% horizontal move buff while gliding
Caduceus Staff (Primary Fire):
- Now heals Mercy for 25hps
Caduceus Staff (Secondary Fire):
- Has 0.6s cast time
- Increases Mercy’s damage by 30% for 4.7s
Caduceus Blaster:
- Damage per bullet increased from 20 to 22
- Ammo reduced from 20 to 18
Guardian Angel:
- Now provides a small dash in a direction of your choice, including vertically.
- Cooldown increased from 1.5s to 10s
Now resurrects Mercy herself
- Resurrecting in an environmental death pit will place Mercy on the nearest ledge
- Cooldown increased from 30s to 60s
- This does not remove a point from the enemy
- Now empowers Mercy’s other abilities
- Caduceus Staff (Primary Fire) heals for 55hps
- Caduceus Staff (Secondary Fire) boosts damage by 50% for 9.2s
Biotic Grasp (Primary Fire):
- Removed
Biotic Grasp (Secondary Fire):
- Damage per second increased from 50 to 55dps
- Healing per second reduced from 24hps to 18hps
- Now has 2 charges
Biotic Orb (Healing Orb):
- Maximum healing reduced from 300 to 200
- Healing per second reduced from 65hps to 49hps
Biotic Orb (Damage Orb):
- Maximum damage reduced from 200 to 110
- Damage per second increased from 50dps to 55dps
- Movement buff decreased from +50% to -50%
- Damage per second increased from 70 to 170
- Ultimate cost reduced by 23%
- Health redistributed from 50HP/150SP to 50HP/175SP
Orb of Destruction:
- Damage per orb reduced from 48 to 39
- Ultimate cost reduced by 33%
- Now deals 30dps to enemies in the heal radius