
💊 Health Pack Location Tool

Health Pack Location Tool

This tool shows you the location of (almost) all the Health Packs in the current map you are in.
Know the health pack locations so you can stay alive and get back into the fight quickly.

Only available on maps used in Competitive mode (Escort, Hybrid, Control, Push, Flashpoint, Clash).
But will expand to other modes in the future.
I might have missed some Health Packs, if so, do let DragonEngineer know in the comments/Discord.

Get the health pack data

Go to the snippet section to get the Health Pack data as pastable workshop script.

  • Variable A is small health pack
  • Variable B is large health pack

For Control mode maps, the health packs data are split by the control point section base on objective index.
For other mode maps, the health packs data are all at Index 0.


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