
The Siren's Cavern

Welcome to The Siren's Cavern info page (No code added yet)! A place of peace and non-toxic folk just trying to have fun and a good time! I'm trying to bring back Overwatch's old karaoke scene in the first game that was pretty underground, so...this is my first time actually coding stuff, so I'll take as much help as I can get as long as you're nice about it!

I personally feel that with the amount of negativity seen in a few competitive games seems to knock up a lot of negative energy, a lot and I want to bring Overwatch 2 one safe space to let everything out in a fun and positive way. So, my brain came to one conclusion. Why not let people have fun through music and singing, to be able to use their voice for something other than yelling at their teammates?

I admit that I have a bit TOO MUCH HOPE in the Overwatch Community to change, but I'm giving this passion project a shot at least! I already have a whole Discord server set up too, so I'll post that in once I'm finished with the code. I have a lot of support behind me with the few people I've met and told about the project to, but I know that I'm 100% gonna have a lot of fun actually learning how to use the workshop!

You'll find me in Loverwatch lobbies holding Siren Caverns for the time being though as these heroes!

Juno Mercy Symmetra

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