
Mercy Boxing Plus by Parachor#1837

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Mercy Boxing Plus is the traditional Mercy Boxing gamemode, plus some additional features!

Currently supports:

  • Scoreboard that shows the top eliminations, resurrects, deaths, highest killstreak, and the game MVP.
  • Killstreak system that gives a player different effects, and notifies when a player breaks someone's streak.
  • Revenge system that announces when a player takes revenge.
  • Team Autobalancing. When a team is 3 or more points ahead, the player with the most eliminations is handicapped. There are currently 4 handicap modes: Off, No Valkyrie, No GA When Valk, and No Rez.

Note: MVP is based on a formula that takes into account both elims and resurrects, as well as deaths. It's not just the player who kills the most!

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