
Hardpoint - A COD Inspired Mode by techdude04#1629

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

This game is inspired by the Multiplayer Mode on Call of Duty.

Two teams battle while dominating a point that constantly changes location after a specified amount of time. The longer your team takes over a point, the more points your team gets. BUT if two teams are on the point altogether, the scores will pause until one team is left on the point. You can see your teams heroes and health so you can help support your team if needed!

Known Glitches:
Because its Skirmish. The game starts immediately without no beginning downtime to get the team going. I am currently finding a way to fix this so hang tight!

Coming Soon:
More abilities
COD Mode (only like very few heroes can be used with no health regeneration unless using a certain ability thats on cooldown)
Spawn Locations. So teams dont respawn too far from the point!

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