I've modified total mayhem game mode, so everytime you get a kill, you become the hero of that player was using with the same ult charge than him. Killstreak enable buffs and death sequence enable nerfs.
Buff 1: damage increased to 125%, Máx. Health increased to 125% and movement speed increased to 125%
Buff 2: damage increased to 150%, Máx. Health increased to 150%, movement speed increased to 150%, received damage decreased to 85% and received cure increased to 125%
Buff 3: damage increased to 150%, Máx. Health increased to 150%, movement speed increased to 150%, received damage decreased to 70% and received cure increased to 150% and imortal status for 5 seconds
Nerf 1: damage decreased to 80% and movement speed decreased to 80%
Nerf 2: damage decreased to 75%, movement speed decreased to 80%, received cure decreased to 85% and max. health decreased to 90%
Nerf 2: damage decreased to 75%, movement speed decreased to 80%, received cure decreased to 75%, max. health decreased to 85%, received damage increased to 125%
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