QoL improvements:
- The upgrade effects are not too bright. So it wont hurt some people's eyes.
Round Boss Patches:
- Round 3 Orisa can now use her ultimate when she spawns.
- Round 4 Zarya can now use her ultimate when she spawns.
- Round 5 Genji's Health has been greatly nerfed.
- Round 7 Symmetra's damage has been nerfed.
- Round 8 An extra Bob has been added to this round
- Round 9 An extra Pharah has been added to this round
- Round 10 Sombra, Doomfist, and Reaper's damage has been slightly buffed.
- Round 11 Lucio and D.va's damage and health has been slightly nerfed.
- Round 12 Tracer and Mei's damage has been nerfed.
Sigma's Ultimate Changes:
- Sigma's ultimate has been nerfed. He should not be able to K.O Bosses right away.
- Sigma also has an alternate ultimate mixed in, which stuns enemies for 3 seconds instead of using his original ultimate.
- Sigma's ultimate randomly switches between these 2.
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