
Ana Paintball (Overhaul w/ customization) by sselesU#1512

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Ana Paintball (Overhaul)

This is a quick little description of my gamemode. I'll be making a showcase video and customization tutorial. (The tutorial for those who are unable to learn how to easily customize it. It's understandable to be honest.) I'll also be changing this description! However, for now, I'll just leave you with this:

Ana Paintball (Overhaul) is the classic gamemode of Ana Paintball but you can change it to a team game, or back into a deathmatch or turn on reviving (in team games) or turn off respawns or even give players limited lives! This current version of the gamemode is a beta version! I've not complete the gamemode yet. I'll be releasing a complete 1.0 version with bugs fixed (hopefully!) in the near future. Until then, I hope you enjoy this gamemode.

Known Bugs:

  • Revive System not working
  • Players not setting up for paintball in team games

Possible Bug (Untested):

  • Time limit win condition

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