
Simple queue by Ultranerdguy#2396

This code is over 6 months old. The code may have expired and might no longer function.

I like to sing, and I've met a lot of people on Overwatch that also enjoy singing. Unfortunately, when multiple people want to sing at once, you can easily lose track of who was going to go next, and it only gets worse when people start joining and leaving the game.

With the 'Simple queue' system, a player can join the queue, and every other player will see the existing queue appear in the top left of the screen. This way, everyone knows whose turn it is, and who will be next.


  • Easy way to join/leave the queue
  • Easy to read, easy to understand
  • Queue automatically kicks people if they leave the game (may take up to 10 seconds)
  • Automatically kick player at the front of the queue after 5 minutes
  • Warning when the game is about to restart


  1. To join the queue, press Ultimate + Primary attack + Secondary attack at the same time
  2. To leave, press the same button combination

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