
🐵 Winston Training Facility

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2-in-1 Hero Trainer for Winston

This Training Facility also includes some of the essential Winston skillset such as Barrier Dancing and Primal Rage Juggling. All under 1 facility, the Winston Training Facility.

Hold down [Interact] for 0.25s to start/pause trainings.
Use [Primary Fire] to select an enemy bot/training.

Note that this training is meant for only 1 player. Does not support more than 1 real player playing at the same time.


Barrier Dance

Barrier Dance is a technique in which you always move towards the opposite side of the barrier from your enemy. Barrier dancing is essential as you have a short range weapon, and your means of escape is on a 6s cooldown, So you won't explode immediately at your enemy's position.

Your goal is to defeat the various enemies with increased HP, while using the barrier dance technique.

Primal Rage Juggling

Primal Rage is difficult to get value, so here's a nice place for you to train! You will face off different enemies that have various means of messing up your primal rage, such as stuns and knockbacks.

Your goal is to eliminate the enemies using only Primal Rage while overcoming their countermeasures against your Primal Rage. Or try to trap them into a wall by constantly knocking them back into the wall.

Lost your enemies? You can use ["Group Up"] voiceline to put them back to your position.

Primal Rage Juggling Modifiers

There are 2 settings you can change throughout the primal rage juggle training session to customise your training experience.

Settings Description
More HP Enemy will have more HP, ideal for longer session
Inactive enemy Enemy will not move or use ability, ideal for beginners

Video demostration


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